Chapter 37

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The video on the side, I'll be expecting you all to come to my funeral (: (: (:

My hair is pink and purple XP <3


Harry's POV

The rest of Sunday was mainly a blur. Louis wasn't himself, he wasn't smiling, and he was quiet. I tried asking him what happened between him and Greg, but he would just shake his head and say that he'll tell me when he's ready.

I didn't push him any further than that. We just continued on our ways.

This morning I got up earlier to make breakfast for Louis and I. Nothing fancy, pancakes and some bacon. But last night was a rough one for him, even though he pretended it wasn't

He was reading his play but I noticed he didn't change the page for at least ten minutes at a time.

Louis' smile lit up when he saw that I actually had breakfast for us, "No more cereal." I smile and bring our plates over to the table.

Louis hums and closes his eyes, "Smells so good, thank you." He's still quiet, but I can tell he's at least putting effort into seeming happy.

I smile and I sit down across from him. I was happy to see Louis finish his food because he didn't eat his dinner last night.

He stands up to put his plate into the sink, "Thanks, Haz. I didn't think you'd actually be making breakfast." He chuckles.

I swallow the piece of pancake in my mouth before speaking, "It's no problem. I was a little tired of cereal too."

Louis just smiled as he walked past me and out into the hall, I hear the stairs creak slowly and he's taking them one at a time instead of the two or three he normally takes.

When I finish up I put both my plate and Louis' into the dishwasher and I too head upstairs.

I close my door behind me and I can feel my heart in my throat, I should try wearing the panties today, right?

I bite my lip as I search for the black pair that I had hidden in my duffle bag. I strip out of my shorts and boxers that I slept in and I pull the panties up my legs. They're soft, really soft, and besides the confinement on my dick there is no tight spots, even over my hips. I like the boy short. It covers my ass and with a few adjustments it can manage to cover my dick as well. There isn't a mirror in this room, but from what I can see looking down, they look pretty good on me.

I lean on my hips from side to side and feel the fabric move only slightly. I have to remind myself about school and the uniforms before I get too hard.

I quickly grab the uniform pants so I can cover myself before Louis walks in on me. Knowing my luck, that'd happen.

I just wear one of the dress shirts with the logo on right side of the chest and I grab my bag and my sweater. It's starting to get really cold outside in the mornings and late at night, but the days are still pretty nice.

I meet Louis down in the hallway after I use the bathroom and brush my teeth.

He's sitting at the bench and twirling the car keys around his fingers.

My automatic first thought is if he can tell I'm wearing panties, and I know this paranoia will continue for the rest of the day. I bite my lip and reach to adjust myself, the panties don't hide much when I'm hard. I just hope Louis doesn't notice. Although, he is quite out of things.

"Louis, where's your bag?" I ask when we step out onto the porch and I notice he's empty handed.

"Shit." He mutters, "K, hold on." Louis says before he heads back into the house.

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