Chapter 42

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BIG NEWS!!! I'll be adding a second sort of sister book to this story! It will be a story like this, but it will be in Niall's POV!!

I think I'll do some certain nights like when Niall was first being introduced to age play, but other than that I think it'll be around the same time as Harry. It'll just kind of give you people more insight. Because a lot of people don't like Niam and a lot of people do. So I've found a happy medium(:

I might make one for zustin too. But let's see how Niam will go.

Please let me know your input!! (: And if you want to make a cover for Niall's POV I'd love it(:


Harry's POV

Niall and Liam came over this morning to say their goodbyes for the weekend, Louis tried waking me up but it was too early for me. I'll see them in a couple days.

"Haz, I'm doing a load of laundry, where's your uniform?" he knocks on my door, poking his head in.

I look up from my phone where I was watching a new youtube video, "It's over there." I nod my head to lump of clothes on my floor.

He comes into my room and puts the laundry basket on the end of my bed. "Whatchyou doing?" he asks as he leans down to pick up the pieces to my uniform.

"Youtube." I tell him.

"Do you have any social media accounts? Like an Instagram or something?" He pauses his work to look over to me.

"Nope. I don't have anything to post." I remember that was the big thing in high school twitter and Instagram and snapchat. But I don't have any use for it.

He leans down to pick up another thing and when I see it in his hands I push myself off the bed, "Lou, put those down." I growl and try to grab the striped panties out of his grip.

"No," He says and doesn't move except for putting them behind his back.

"I'm serious, Louis. It's stupid and weird. I'm throwing them out." I reach around him but he only holds it further back. Our chests are pushed against each other's but he's not budging, no matter how much smaller he is.

"No it really isn't, Haz." He argues.

"Oh please, you're just saying that because you have to." Who does he think he's fooling?

"No! I'm not, Harry. When will you see, I don't have to say anything. I say these things because they're true." He practically yells in my face.

I remain quiet and I raise an eyebrow as I look down at him.

"Sorry." He huffs and takes a deep breath, "Sorry. But it's not weird." He looks up at me with sincerity, his empty hand comes forward and settles on my chest, he rubs his thumb across the fabric of my shirt, "Does it give you pleasure?"

"Louis, I don't think that-"

"Does it make you feel good, Harry?"

I sit back on my hip, "Seriously, Louis this isn't-"

"Harry." He puts his hands on his hips.

"Maybe it does. I don't know!" I exasperate.

I know that I was hard when Louis realized what I was wearing, but I couldn't bear the humiliation of it. I was so embarrassed, I'm still recovering from that. The handjob I gave him afterwards was my emotions running high. It's not happening again soon.

"Then let's find out." He says and walks by me to put the panties into the laundry basket. "Where are the other pairs."

I don't say anything, I just watch him. This guy. Louis. He's so determined, and persistent. He's got such an open mind and a big heart. Why is he wasting his time with me? Right. Because he has to.

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