Chapter 11

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Home? This is most definitely not my home. Louis is pushing my buttons and he knows it. He knows I fucking hate this idea of living with him. Or more specifically living with the titles that we hold towards one another.

"Oh don't be like that. Don't be all pouty and defensive. I'm not holding you here any longer than you have to. But tonight is guys night and tomorrow is the day we go over some rules, so you better enjoy this peaceful time before then. So c'mon" Louis doesn't wait for me to answer as he's already headed up the front steps and opening one of the large double doors.

This place looks like it was ripped out of a fucking magazine. There's no way a man lives here by himself. Unless he has some sort of OCD I seriously doubt the place is even his.

"I'm locking this door once I close it so either you can stay out there all night or come inside for a drink!" Even with the distance between us I can tell Louis is rolling his eyes. Probably at the fact I haven't moved from my spot on the driveway.

I adjust the bag on my shoulder so it stops sliding down my arm and I walk up to the porch.

"Glad you made your decision." He beams.

I scoff, "Hardly, it just looks like it's gonna rain."

I brush past him and step into his house. Wow. And I thought the outside was breathtaking.

Past the doormat there was sparkling white tile that fit perfectly with the pale yellow walls of the hall. To the far left corner there is a staircase leading upstairs as well as spiralling downstairs. The hall was very welcoming with paintings of fields and oceans on the walls. I could see the living room or what I presume is a living room because with a house like this there's bound to be multiple.

"You a rich kid or something?" I ask in bafflement. Louis wasn't exactly the type I'd classify as a snob, he was way too relaxed and social for that.

"My parents are doctors. I said I needed a house close to campus and they said I wasn't to settle for anything less than extraordinary. So what do you think? Does this suffice?" A smirk graces his lips as he shimmies out of his jacket and hangs it in the closet.

"I don't know you'll have to show me all of it before I can say." I already have my answer, this is clearly an amazing place and he sure did not settle for anything less.

"I'll uh... Hm." He picks up a couple of my bags from the floor and toes off his shoes, leaving them at the door "I'll show you to your room."

I follow his lead by removing my shoes and I trail behind him going up the stairs. My pillow and a bag is slipping from right under my arm so I squeeze it as hard as I can to my side ensuring it won't fall.

Louis opens one of the first doors on the right and holy shit thank god because one more minute and everything would've for sure fallen out of my grasp.

I stumble into the room and almost topple over my own bags that I dropped onto the floor.

"Excited?" Louis laughs.

"Ecstatic." I stand up straight and pull down the hem of my jacket as I look around the room. Very plain. Very guest room. I suppose I am a guest though. But really? Baby blue and brown is the colour scheme.

"I know it's not much but it's a start and I didn't know exactly what you liked so I just figured its a pretty universal look."

"Yeah whatever a room is a room."

"Glad you think that. Just leave your things here we should go downstairs I need your help in the kitchen."

I follow him back downstairs and into the kitchen. Just as you'd expect, stainless steel appliances with dark wood cabinets and granite countertops. I'm thinking I might have to stay here a little longer just to enjoy a house like this.

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