Chapter 43

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I hope you all have a lovely week!! Mwah :*


Harry's POV

The nurse leads us inside the small room. I was holding onto Niall as tight as I could, because I knew he wasn't up to par yet.

Niall immediately releases himself from my grip and rushes right to Liam's side. He starts crying just as hard as before as he leans down to lay on Liam's chest.

"Careful." The nurse says quietly. Obviously not wanting to interrupt the two.

Liam groans but I suppose the moment his eyes opened to see Niall's blonde hair he didn't find the need to groan again. He lifted his hand to touch Niall's arm, his fingers barely able to curl, they were just touching his skin.

Louis and I shuffle around to Liam's other side. His right leg is propped up on a pillow and he's got his ankle in a plaster cast. Somehow knowing it's just his ankle and not his entire leg makes for a relief.

As Louis and I go more to his side, opposite Niall, I begin to see the scratches and bruises formed on his face and neck. And no doubt there are more under his gown.

"What happened here, baby?" Liam mumbles and reaches with his other hand to the bandage around Niall's head. His voice was just as slow as his movements. And quiet. I could hardly hear him, and if I didn't know them as well as I do, I wouldn't have guessed that's what he said.

Niall just rubs his cheek along Liam's chest, "I was so scared." I hear him admit.

The nurse does some machine checking before she exits the room to another just across the hall.

Liam doesn't say anything but he tries to comfort Niall as best he can by putting his hand on Niall's cheek.

"How ya feeling?" Louis asks finally after a few minutes of silence. Louis steps to the edge of the bed and he moves some hair out of Liam's eyes.

"Terrible." Liam groans and that makes Niall raises his head to look up at him, "No, I'll be fine, baby. I just feel doped up on so much meds I'm surprised I still have legs from the lack of feeling."

I walk around to Niall, and I reach for his side, "Come on, I think that's his sore arm."

Niall moves up carefully and looks down to Liam, "I'm so sorry, daddy. Are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you." He pulls himself right off of Liam and takes a step back.

"No, Ni baby, I'm fine. I needed your hugs. I feel much better now."

Niall reaches forward and holds Liam's hand gently with his good arm. Niall's back to crying but now he's got a smile on his face. I grab a chair from against the wall and bring it closer for Niall.

Louis looks over to me and smiles, his eyes are red rimmed too.

The nurse comes back in, "Mr. Payne, your parents are here."

I turn around to the nurse that was in the doorway and soon enough a man and a woman enter the room. They're carrying their coats in their arms and the woman rushes over to hug Liam. Niall had moved away towards the wall but he smiled at the man.

That's right. They met just this weekend. I wonder how things went. Seemingly good, I don't see Niall in any state of discomfort.

It's weird to see the faces of the infamous Payne's. From what I've heard, I bet a lot of people would love to be down here.

Louis shakes the hand of Liam's father and gives a hug to the woman when she steps away from Liam to let Liam and his dad talk.

"Louis, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. I was expecting to see you the first week of school." She smiles with tears still in her eyes. She looked over to me. Awkward me. Standing alone near the corner of the room.

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