Chapter 71

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So many of you probably thought that second notification was a glitch ;) hehe go back and read chapter 70 you silly goose!

Also.... ;) add the song above.... It's Harry in this chapter.


To think I'd have Louis all to myself on his birthday was ridiculous. He has been getting phone calls all day from family and friends. And every call he takes, he tells me he'll be quick, but that's not yet been true.

On one hand, I'm upset it's taking up so much time. On the other, it makes me happy to know that only three years ago he was an outcast in his family just like me; and now look at him.

With the liquor store having holiday hours, I dragged Niall and Liam along as an excuse to get out of the house. Gemma apparently catching up on holiday homework.

With a cart in hand we begin turning through the aisles.

"What do you guys want?" Liam asks.

Niall goes right for the beer cooler, and so we all follow him.

"Louis likes beer, but I don't think he wants to drink it tonight. I think a birthday definitely calls for something more." Liam informs me.

I nod along and look across all the aisles. It's been a long time since I've been in a liquor store. Anytime Louis and I buy wine or beer, we just buy it at the grocery store with our regular groceries.

"I'll just go get whiskey. Whiskey and coke?" I suggest to Liam. It's one of my favourites, but I've never really seen Louis drink.

He nods, "Oh yeah. He won't turn that down."

I leave the cart with them, knowing the beer will need it more than a bottle or two of whiskey.

Making my way to the spirits, I pass by the rum. Knowing full well my sister will complain if we don't have drinks for her, I grab her a bottle of white rum as well as two bottles of whiskey.

Am I nervous to be drinking tonight? Kind of.

Am I more nervous to be getting drunk and doing something stupid in front of Louis? Yup.

When I meet again with Niall and Liam, they have the cart well stocked with beer and other coolers and we decide to make our way to check out.


"We're back!" I call through the house as I open the front door, leaving a bag of drinks and other snacks on the floor.

Liam and Niall are also carrying in their share.

"Hey." Louis greets and makes his entrance from the kitchen.

I feel my body immediately relax at the the sight of his soft smile.

"Hope you have room in the fridge." Niall says, holding two six packs in his hands.

"Yeah, there should be. Move around anything you want." Louis nods and comes to stand beside me.

"You okay?" He asks quietly, putting a hand on my lower back.

I nod, "Yeah, I'm good."

"I know I've been busy with phone calls, I'm sorry. I think by now everyone has called or texted. From here on out, I'm yours." He promises, reaching around to wrap his arms around my waist, looking up to me with a smile.

I put my hands on his hips, looking around to see if anyone can see us, "Thank God." I mutter, "I was going to do some serious damage to the phone lines."

He chuckles and rests his head on my chest, pulling me closer in a hug.

We only get another moment like that before he pulls away and looks down to the bags at our feet, "So what's on the menu tonight?"

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