Chapter 41

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CHAPTER CONTAINS water play (aka pee play yaaayyy) and niam.

No Larry, and I don't want to hear any bitching about it.

It's 5:30 I'm sorry I'm sassy

*not edited and written on phone in dark room with spider falling on forehead. Please forgive typos*



Niall's POV

"Baby, relax." Liam said before he kissed the back of my neck.

I can't fucking relax. How am I supposed to relax? In less than an hour I'm on toilet duty. And not the type where I use cleaning supplies.

Liam's offered to do some "practice runs" with me and include it into one of our scenes. He said that he wanted to ensure it'd be a good first experience so my mind would be clear going into the gala. But I just didn't want it. Frankly, I can't see Liam pissing on me. I don't want to imagine it.

"You're not relaxing." He comments as he presses against my back, his left hand on my hip and his right hand slowly tracing around my collar.

"I don't know how you expect me to relax." I retort and put my left hand on top of his and keep my right on my stomach.

We were in his room, well, our room. He was still shirtless because we were in the midst of getting ready. I'm always the first one ready between the two of us, it's kind of funny.

"What would help you to relax, baby?"

My shoulder raises up against his face lightly as his scruff tickles at the top of my neck.

I think he noticed the sensitivity because he began rubbing his chin across my neck and shoulder, making me giggle and squirm in front of him.

"Liam!" I laugh and try to get away from him but he holds my hips to try and keep me in reachable distance.

"What? I thought you liked it." He laughs and I turn around to face him while my body is still contorting in odd movements. Embarrassing. Way to go, Niall.

"I do like it." I say while trying to catch my breath.

I look up to him to see he's smiling down at me, "Your lips."

He raises his right hand up to cup the side of my face so his thumb can brush over my bottom lip.

My tongue pokes out to lick my lips on instinct and I poke the tip of his finger.

"God." He mutters and uses only his thumb to roll down my bottom lip before it pops back up to my teeth. "We might have to leave now or we'll never make it in time."

I smiled and moved out from in front of him and sat on the bed. One thing I like about his bed is that he has the four poles that are taller than me when I'm standing. I lean against one and wrap my arms around it loosely as I watch Liam pick out a shirt from the walk in closet.

"How about this?" He holds up a burgundy button up that has a blue pocket.

I shrug, "That looks nice." I really can't chose. A shirt's, a shirt, and I prefer him shirtless anyway.

He nods his head and takes it off the hanger before putting it on.

I stand up once he's finished buttoning it up only half way through his chest, showing some of his chest hair.

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