Chapter 56

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Happy birthday to cuddlybabyhaz


Harry's POV

I've never been a fan of repetitiveness. Maybe it has to do with the fact there wasn't a lot of stability in my life, maybe not. Beside the point; things with Louis haven't changed much in the last few weeks. They've been going...steady. Louis and I haven't had an argument in weeks. I feel like a lot of that is me starting to adapt. Finally. I'm still a firm believer that this school is trying to brainwash me, and forcing me into a lot of things. But sometimes, when I'm alone with Louis, it feels like he's a regular roommate I could've ended up with at any college.

Things around the house are calm too. They're nice even. It's nice spending the time with Louis. We've learned more about each other and I've really been listening to what he has to say, for instance he's been playing the piano since he was seven, but never really enjoyed it until he learned to cover his favourite songs.

He told me about the times he felt more like a parent than a brother, when his mum couldn't make it to his sisters' recitals, he was always the one cheering the loudest for them in the crowd. It kind of hurt to find out more about that side of Louis. Yet I grew a deeper appreciation for everything he's done for me. He hasn't forced me into anything, he's guided me into things that have relieved me a lot from my anger and my hatred.

He's been understanding of my pushing and pulling against him. I'm not stupid, I can realize there are many times when I treat Louis like shit, and times when I actually feel close to Louis. He might think I'm leading him on. I don't want him to think that, but I'm just trying to figure some things out.

It's been months since I've hung out with anyone who isn't openly kinky as hell. Where's the normality in that?

I feel like I'm just being swayed into this life, and I can't help it.

Talking to my mum and my sister helps. I still can only take them in small doses, my mum gets emotional on our phone calls, and can't stop telling me how she misses me. Talking to Gemma has been nice; I've only talked to her twice, but it's just been great to hear about how she's doing. She's been hinting at a guy in her life, but she won't give me details.

My mum has already talked about spending Christmas together. I told her I'd be down back home, but I don't know about Christmas day.

I guess Louis and I need to talk about some things.

Currently, Louis and I are over at Niall and Liam's, they've gotten much better over the last few weeks. Niall doesn't use his sling regularly, and Liam is walking from time to time with his crutches.

Time's gone by quickly, it's late November. Almost time for Zayn to be coming back to Liam. Mr. Reid and Mr. Turner have stopped by with Zayn and Justin. I can see that Zayn looks happy in front of Liam, but when Liam looks away, I can see the way Zayn leans on Justin.

Justin's flight back to Canada is this Saturday morning. Less than two days from now. I don't think any of us are ready for the big stir up that's going to happen.

Louis tucks his arm around my waist and leans on my shoulder. I lean back into the couch and move my arm around him. It's becoming natural to have Louis like this. I don't ask questions about it, although, Liam and Niall still raise eyebrows.

"You good?" I say quietly down to Louis. Liam is playing Niall in Super Mario and currently saving Niall out of a bubble.

Louis nods, "All good."

"Will Justin come back?" I lean my head down so my cheek rests on the top of Louis' head.

"I don't think he wants to leave. He'll be back." Louis assures quietly.

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