Chapter 40

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Harry's POV

Louis and I were watching a tv show that was on, one of those Law & Order ones. Louis likes the crime shows apparently. He was laying on the couch and I was sitting on the recliner with my feet up. It was quiet for the most part. The tv filling in the silence. Louis and I didn't have much to say to each other after this morning.

I'm still a little angered that he didn't tell me about the call. I remember the phone ringing and him in the kitchen, but I just thought it was his mum. I couldn't hear him anyways.

The commercial break started and I sighed.

"You alright?" I look over to him and he's got himself propped up on his bent arm that's leaning against the arm of the couch.

I smile, "I'm just tired. And maybe a little anxious for tonight." I admit the last part because I know it's the reason I'm not myself.

Louis took a deep breath and nodded his head. "That's right." He sat up, I'm thankful I didn't have to explain what tonight is.

I know I got exempt from it, but that's still Niall in there, and I know people will be giving me looks. The people in my classes know I'm in their group, and god knows the way people will be treating me after this. As if being the partner of Louis Tomlinson wasn't bad enough apparently.

"I had some things planned for us, actually." Louis said, catching my attention again, "To distract you from standing guard at the bathroom door." He laughs.

I wouldn't do that.


Maybe I would.

"And those plans are?" Not going to lie, his plans and my plans for avoiding situations are completely different.

"Do you remember last week how they had a pet show sort of thing?" He asks, his thumbs rubbing over the skin on the back of his hands.

I nod my head slowly and when he doesn't say anything but continues to stare at me I get the feeling he's insinuating something, "I'm not watching a bunch of guys walk around flaunting tails coming out of their asses."

"No-uh, no. that only runs like once a month or something. They change it up." He explains.

"Okay...? Where is this going?" when Louis gets this out of sorts, it scares me because I know he's buying himself time trying to make a bad thing sound good.

"Well, this week they have a different type of show." He's still watching me carefully, as if at any moment it'll pop into my head what he's talking about. He's probably trying to send telepathic messages judging from the way he's looking at me.

"For the love of god, Louis." I groan and throw my head back and it rests against the chair.

"Okay, fine. Sorry. I just don't know how to say it."

"Okay." I push the foot rest back down to the chair and I stand up, "I'm gonna grab myself a drink. I hope to god you have something strong."

As I said that, I was walking by him until I felt his hand on my leg.

"No, wait. Okay, well it's kind of like a show for people with a cross dressing kink. Like a little pageant almost. I was hoping we go up there to check things out."

I looked down to him and he was red in the face and he was avoiding eye contact with me.

"A cross dressing kink? You can't be serious. I'm not a cross dresser Louis." I narrow my eyes down at him and hope he can feel my glare through the top of his head.

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