Chapter 49: smut

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Have I done smut in Louis' POV? Idk. Here it is XD

It's the shower scene that all you guys were commenting on XD lmao <3 I thought you guys were getting sick of smut or if the smut was repetitive... Idk /.\

So I didn't plan on the smut being that significant, but I think I made it have some significance(: not sure if you guys have noticed, but every smut has had purpose((:


Louis' POV

"Harry, no teasing." I whine when I feel his hands moving down my thighs.

He hasn't been much of a tease before this, and I like it too much to even remain strong through it.

"Why can't I?" He hums and his lips go to my neck.

My head falls back against his shoulder to give him more room, it's comfortable because he's tall and I'm not bending my head back that much.

"Because." I huff and put my hands over his.

"Not a good enough answer." He tells me and his right hand moves over to my dick, gripping at the base to start rubbing slowly up and down.

I move my hands to the sides of his thighs to grip at something.

I can feel his dick getting harder against my ass, he presses himself harder against me. He's enjoying this friction as much as I am.

It's been so long since I've been touched like this. For fucks sakes I miss it so much.

"Harry." I don't mean to say it out loud, but it falls out of my lips in a moan. My eyes are closed as I enjoy the feeling of him.

It takes me a moment to regain my conscience then I turn around, grabbing his wrists in the process.

"You can't tease me." I growl and look down to his hard on. "How would you feel if I did this?" I remove my hands from his wrists and I move my left to his side, and my right to his dick.

My dick is hard too, and he reaches for it again, "I'd do this."

I can only keep my eyes on the mess of limbs between us. I'm mesmerized by the way he continues to surprise me with sexual acts. He's curious I think, or aiming to please me. Either way is a big step for him. I can't wrap my head around it sometimes.

"I would love to see you in those panties, baby." I tell him just loud enough for him to hear over the running water.

He doesn't say anything but I feel his hand grow firmer around my cock, "Ease up there, Hercules." I chuckle and he does so immediately.

"Sorry." He mumbles.

"It's fine." I laugh, I've had rougher before.

"I'm sure your cheeks would be as pink as those panties, don't you think?" I smirk as my thumb brushes around the head of his dick in circles.

I feel small standing like this. His hands are bigger than mine, his shoulder are broader than mine. He's just... Bigger. With his back taking the brute of the water, the water hardly touches me.

"I think you would just love to find out, wouldn't you?" His voice is smooth and slow. He talks slow, and his voice changes pitches. When he's tired or when he's relaxed it's a deeper voice. But when he's excited about something, or happy, his voice is higher and he talks faster. It intrigues me too much. My voice doesn't have the range of his. My voice is just high pitched, it's annoying.

"Of course." I reply, he's obviously turned on by it, and there's something so juxtaposed about it that makes it a kink of mine too.

"I don't know, maybe Sunday. Or Monday when we go home." He says quietly.

Home. He called it his home. I don't look up because I know he'll take it back if I give it any sort of attention.

I can see the trying in his voice though, and in his attitude, he wants to try this, he wants to be good for me. He was ready to give me a blowjob to prove it.

"I'd like that. And maybe you could crawl some more." I suggest with confidence. I know he likes it, but him accepting he likes it is a different story.


I'm shocked at his answer, but then again, I can't really be. I'm happy with his answer, a happy surprised. He's changing, I can't express it enough because I'm that proud of him.

The talking stops when we both become closer to our orgasms, his hand picks up the pace the same time mine does, but he seems to be better at containing it. Whereas I'm latching onto him for support because I feel my knees buckling, he's keeping his composure and he's holding me up.

He comes first and his hand on my side squeezes tighter as his hand on my dick stutters and jerks. His moan is loud and his eyes close with a crinkle as his lips part.

Just the sight in front of me was enough to make me come over his stomach too. I try my hardest to contain my groans, and keep them quiet, but my forehead just tilts down to his shoulder.

"I hope no one was walking past the bathroom." I chuckle and pull back to start cleaning both of us off. "Or they would've heard you for sure."

"Shut up." Harry laughs and turns around once I've separated from him and he swiped down his body to get the come off.

"When have I ever?" I counter and wait for him to trade spots with me.

Once I'm standing in front of the warm water and Harry is behind me, I hear the snap of a lid.

I thought Harry was just getting the shampoo but I felt his hands wrap around to the front of my hips to pull me back to him. There's a cool liquid on his hands and I can smell it to be body wash. My sister's body wash if I'm not mistaken. It smells like fruits that almost make my nose tingle, but his hands rubbing slowly across my hips, thighs, and torso make me feel so much better.

"It was a big day for you." He says quietly into my ear from where I'm leaned back against him, both of us just slightly out of the water.

"How so?" Tomorrow's the big day.

"You saw your mom. You saw your siblings. Your mom's getting married. You dealt with it all quite well."

He can turn from being an asshole to being caring just like that. Times like this make me fully believe Harry has good in him, a lot of good. Harry has a side of him that's locked away yet I can see it.

"Thank you." I don't know what else to say.

His hands move up my sides and he pulls back a little, and I whine, which I don't need to turn around to imagine the smirk on his face.

His hands are on my shoulders and I feel his thumbs working into shoulder blades and the muscles around.

"Fuck." I moan and close my eyes when his thumbs runs over a knot.

He works it out and it hurts, but after a few moments it starts to feel good and I start to feel relaxed.

The bubbles spread across my skin and make the entire shower smell like pomegranate. His hands are soft and smooth as they seem to glide across my skin.

"If you keep this up, I might just fall asleep right here." I chuckle but I know it's probably the truth.

He laughs deeply and puts his hands on my hips to put me under the water a little, he washes some of the suds off with his hand taking the water to me.

"I can look after you too." He whispers.


I expect a chapter to be up this weekend(:

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