Chapter 1

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"Welcome to Boys Divisional School of Manners. You will enjoy it very much here." Some boy with dark hair wearing a very well kept uniform said. He stood beside another boy who was dressed similarly with the exception of a scarf of sorts around his neck. He stood looking at the ground with his hands behind his back.

When I look up to see the front gates were opened my jaw drops. The school must've been a fucking mansion at one point. Well, it still is. There is one huge building in the center with dozens of smaller, but still big, buildings scattered around it.

The driver had stopped the car and the quiet boy from earlier opened the back door on my side. I stepped out and my mum followed. It had been a quiet drive, mostly my mum saying how much she's going to miss me.

If you're gonna miss me so much why not just keep me at home?

She thanked the boy and he closed the door behind her. I really shouldn't say 'boy' because even though he's a foot shorter than me he still looks around my age.

"I'm Austin." The dark haired boy introduced himself. "Jacob here will be happy to take your bags to your room." He gestured to the blonde who nodded his head once and scurried to the back of the car.

Austin wore a huge smile, too big for the beginning of the school year. "You are a first year correct?"

Apparently I didn't answer quick enough because my mum had already taken the liberty of telling him he is correct. I rolled my eyes and scanned for something more interesting than this. Of course I came up blank because there is absolutely no girls at this place. I guess that's the point of an all-boys school. But not even the wandering teachers are women.

There is however other mums bidding goodbyes to their sons. Maybe I could sneak one of them into a bathroom. Keep me from going ballistic on these guys.

There's a nice red head leaning back against the hood of her car in a nice scarlet dress. Snug, but not tight. Her hair is in loose curls and they flow down her back. She has a tissue raised to cover her mouth and nose as her presumed son waves goodbye.

I roll my eyes, never mind, too emotional.

"That's quite alright ma'am, its normal." Austin's voice snaps me back to the conversation going on in front of me.

"Austin offered to show you around campus, I was just apologizing for your rude behavior." My mum said as she placed a hand on my elbow. I shook her free with annoyance and kept my arms crossed at my ribs.

"Whatever." I grumbled. I rolled my eyes once again when I saw the bright smile Austin had plastered to his face.

"Well this is where you say your goodbyes. He's in good hands ma'am." This guy is way too formal. It's the twenty first century, idiot, act like it. He speaks as if he's forty years older than he is. He looks around my age, maybe a little older, but honestly when he speaks it throws me for a loop.

"Alright honey I'll see you for the holidays and I'll call you as often as I can." My mum says before she tries to give me a kiss on the cheek. I pull away on instinct and her lips barely graze my skin. She frowns and slumps backwards slightly.

"I love you." She said. She paused a moment, waiting for a response that she'd never get, before she waves goodbye to Austin and gets into the car. When the car was out of sight Austin looked to me.

"If you'd follow me please I'll show you to your classes and then your room." Does this kid ever stop smiling? Like my mum is gone now, you can cut the act.

"This is fucking stupid." I inform him.

"We do not tolerate that language at this school," his voice is calm, not shocked at all. He's probably heard it a few times from all the first years. Is he part of a welcoming committee? Where the school sends out their only good students to try and show parents 'oh look, you can have a son as well mannered as this,' what bullshit.

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