Chapter 45

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This could've been two or three chapters. it's over 10k words lmao!!! (I hate long chapters like this so I apologize) ((but like... the smut's worth it)) (((and character development))) so like.. take your time.



Harry's POV

"So how was that? Your first experience in denial... Well, kind of. Just waiting a little longer. How do you feel?" Louis asks as I lay back, still trying to comprehend my surroundings.

"I feel... Really good? Is that normal?" Aren't you supposed to feel even worse? Like isn't your dick supposed to hurt?

"Of course it is. It's building up your orgasm. Making it better. You're keeping those on, aren't you?" Louis asks as he raises his hands to his hips.

"I wasn't going to. They're dirty." That's stretching the truth, none of my come actually got on the underwear. I didn't see it anywhere else but on Louis. Which in itself is humiliating enough.

I think he realizes my lie, "Uh huh. Well then let's find you another pair."

"Why?" I start standing up so I can pull up my pants.

"I happen to very much like seeing you in panties. And the thought of only me and you knowing you're wearing them while we talk with all our friends, that's hot." Louis explains and he steps closer to me.

"Is it? Because I think that's just risky business." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Are you Tom Cruise? I think you might enjoy the thrill." His hands go to my hips, but I take his hands in mine and gently lower them back down to his sides.

"Shut up." I didn't even realize my words but I like that he caught the reference. "Let's get ready. Isn't Zayn coming today?"

That was enough to snap Louis' train of focus away from me.

"You're right. I need to go across the street and get some things for Niall."

He's so cute. The way he can go from talking slowly and trying to seduce me, to speaking quickly as he remembers his to-do list. His eyebrows raise and he turns around to head out the door.

"Grab some snacks from the kitchen. I'll be over at Liam's. I'll be back." Louis calls and I follow him out the room only to hear him hopping down the stairs and heading out the door.

My lips curve into a smile as I descend the stairs. Louis makes me... I don't know. He makes me feel happy. Happy? Yeah, yeah I guess he does. I don't know how he can make me smile so easily, and how he can be so patient with me. He brings out a different side of me. A very different side.

I open the fridge and grab a few apples and some waters. I know Louis likes cheese and crackers as his go to snack so I cut up some cheese and put it into a container and grab the box of crackers from the pantry. That should be good.

I put all the food into a grocery bag and then head back upstairs for my own backpack that had my clothes.

I hum a song that's stuck in my head as I head across the hall to the bathroom to get my toothbrush.

I see Louis' too so I pack his into a container as well. I grab the shampoo bottle from shower and I smile at the fact that now Louis will smell familiar.

Wait, what? Does that mean that I'm expecting us to be sexual again? Is this becoming the normal now?

I shake those thoughts from my head just about as fast as they surfaced. I finish grabbing what we'll need and I make my way back down the stairs.

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