Chapter 19

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It 2:30am so I want you guys to have an update.. But that means not a lot of proofreading..


Harrys POV

I carefully chewed over Niall's words. He did have a point. If I made Louis think I was submitting myself then he'll ease up on me wouldn't he?

That night I watched Louis' routine and I made myself think if he was holding any sort of guard on me. It was my observation night. And of course it turned out like how I thought. Him goofing around while I sat and watched movies. There wasn't any cable at his place which is strange because it's not like it'd make a dent in his bank account. And for dinner we had microwaveable pasta seeing as Louis can't cook for shit. But after that I was off to bed. He made sure I got to bed and he closed my door.

Then he was gone.

That will be my chance. When he sends me to bed, he'll go to bed too. Then I'll be gone.

Out of here.

So today being Tuesday it's going to be the day I pretend to submit to him. I've already thought about how I'll do it, so that's planned. And then tonight when he's asleep I'll be gone.

Here's the plan that Niall and I worked out at lunch. I'm going to stop at the first restaurant I see, call a cab to come pick me up and take me to the train station; because lord knows how much cheaper it is to take a train than it is to take a cab. Then I will text Niall the address, he's already said it'll be okay for him to take the fall of knowing the plan. It's just that he'll lie to Liam and say he only knew of me leaving, not that he helped plan it. I double checked, and tripled checked he was sure about this, I know how he's already on a tight leash to Liam, and he assured me it was fine and that as long as I was gone there would be no more rule breaking from him. I had to share a laugh with him about that.

Our goodbye once we arrived at Louis' house was quite strange. It hadn't crossed either of our minds that fifth period was our last chance to express our goodbye goodbyes. Now we we were stuck with saying goodbye, as if we would see each other tomorrow.

"Thanks again Lou for the drive." Liam says as he steps down out of the car.

"Liam how many times have I told you? You don't need to thank me every damned time." Louis shouts as he too steps out.

By the time we're all filed out onto the driveway Niall has already pulled me in for a hug. His head barely reached my neck so he just leans himself on my chest.

"I'm going to miss you." He mumbles so quietly even I barely heard him.

"Me too." I whisper in his ear.

"Alright," he pulls back and goes to stand beside Liam. "See ya Harry, see ya Louis."

"Bye Niall," I say casually and then I turn around to walk up the stairs of Louis' house. I hear Louis following me and I push through the door and walk right into the kitchen.

"What do you want to do tonight Harry?" Louis says walking into the kitchen and pulling out a seat at the island to sit down and watch me as I grab a water bottle from the fridge.

I shrug my shoulders and twist the cap so I can take a drink of the cold water.

"Well, we can play FIFA or I can set up the Wii or.." He trailed off.

No I don't want to play FIFA, no I don't want to watch a movie, no I don't want him to hook up the Wii.

I ignore him and keep chugging down the water.

"Whoa Harry calm down there. Did you hear about that girl who drowned herself because she drank too fast. You don't want to kill yourself... Do you?"

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