Chapter 2

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"Harry its 7:30! You're going to be late for class!" Niall shakes my arm for his third attempt in waking me up this morning.

"Niall stop! It's the first day of school I won't miss anything!" I groan.

"Fine." Niall said. Finally. Peace and fucking quiet.

There was a sharp tug at my ankle yanking me off the bed. I try to grip onto the mattress but fail as my bum hits the floor with a harsh thud.

"Get your ass up Harry! I'm not kidding! We have our classes together so let's go!" he throws a pair of jeans at my face and I hold in a scream. Too damn early. Too damn early.

I sit up for a moment before I slide the jeans up my legs. All the while keeping my eyes closed. I'm pretty sure it's just Niall and I because I didn't hear the other two. They're probably already on their way to their classes.

"Hey Niall you said we have the same classes together?" I ask, standing up from the floor.

"Yeah apparently they go by rooms. We're in the group with everyone from rooms 41 to 50."

"That's weird."

"Yeah it is. Hey did you even sign up for any classes?"

"No did you?"

"No." he says thoughtfully. Probably wondering if he ended up getting a bad subject.

We both put on our shoes and start to head out of the housing building, towards the school.

"What kind of school is this?" I can't help but voice my curiosity. So this school just gives us our classes, which we are divided into by room numbers? How is preselected courses going to help us in life? That's what high school was for.

Niall opens the front door for me and we both walk through the threshold. There are students scrambling to get to their class, running up the stairs or down. Lucky for Niall and I all of our classes are on the main floor.

I open the door to our classroom and check my phone, we still have five minutes until class starts. We walk into the room and are taken by surprise to see about 30 other kids standing on a carpeted floor. No particular order, small clusters of friends I'm guessing.

Theres no desks or tables in this room. The teachers up at the front but that's it. Where are we going to sit?

The door opens behind us and Niall and I shift to stand closer to the herds of people. It was another student who looked worried he'd be late because he sighed and walked calmly over to a group of three to join their conversation.

"This isn't a normal school." I whisper so Niall is the only one to hear.

"I know. It's scaring me." he whispers back.

"Good morning." a professor greets as he walks through the door. "Class has started please have a seat."

"There was no bell yet." I pipe up as the class began to sit cross legged on the carpet.

"This school doesn't have a bell system for safety reasons. Classes starts promptly at 8:00 and trust that I will advise you when that time has come. That goes for your other classes as well."

"That's bullshit." I grumbles and cross my arms over my chest. How are we supposed to know if we're late or not?

"What is your name?" the professor asked. I noticed the rest of the class was watching our encounter in amusement.

"Harry." I said with confidence.

"Harry what?"

"Harry Styles. With a 'y'." I stated. The teacher nodded shifting through some papers and jotting something down.

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