Chapter 3

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Louis looks over to Niall and his Dom before waving them over to us. The Dom nods and puts his hand on Niall's lower back as they walk towards us.

"Everything alright Liam?" Louis asks. His name's Liam. It suits him. I took the opportunity of them walking to get a look at the Dom. His hair was short but a little longer on top and was styled into a quiff of sorts. He wore jeans and a plain white shirt. Very casual.

"Yeah just a little shook up." Liam says softly. "But we're alright now aren't we love?"

I hear Niall's Irish accent say a quiet "Yes master."

Wow Niall. I'm sure I gasped when I heard him.

"You can look up Harry. I want you to meet Liam. But you will call him sir understand?" Louis says, gently putting his hand on my shoulder.

Louis knows I was already looking, I guess he just wants to be in charge. When I turn my focus back to Liam he's smiling at me with an outstretched hand.

I scoff and cross my arms. He thinks he's better than me. Whatever. All these people think they're soo much better than us first years. It's like high school all over again.

And if he thinks I'll actually call him sir yikes. Fuck that.

"You won't meet any other Doms like Liam. So do not expect them to be this friendly. He's a good friend of mine and you follow whatever he says."

"Same for you Niall. Anything Louis asks of you you do it as if it were me." Liam pipes up, dropping his hand.

"Yes master." Niall agrees.

"Shall we go together?" Louis suggests, pointing to the school building.

"Of course." Liam smiles.

Niall was gently guided to go beside me as we walked in front of Louis and Liam. Niall gave me a soft smile and little nod, assuring me he's alright. I smile back at him and then we continue to the office. Niall held the doors open for Louis and Liam while I waited by Niall's side. Not because of them, but because I just need the company of a friend right now. They both thanked Niall as they walked through.

Niall and I follow our, I guess, Doms to the last door of the hallway. Niall took the liberty of opening the door and as I was about to enter A pair of hands landed on my shoulders and yanked me back.

"Hey!" I shouted angrily. I was turned around harshly to face Louis. His jaw was locked and I couldn't look away from his dark blue eyes. Oh shit here we go again. I sigh once he begins his little spiel.

"If you ever try that stunt again I will make sure your backside hurts so much you won't sit down for a week. Do I make myself clear?" his voice low and I have to hide the fact I'm finding humour.

I don't give him the satisfaction of knowing and I keep my expression neutral. I shrug my shoulders, for one to get his hand off me, for second he can't touch me like that, and third I know he hates when I don't use words.

"Words." he squeezes my shoulders.

When I just stare back at him without a word he decides to continue.

He takes a deep breath "You always follow Dominants into a room."

He walks into the room without another word and Liam follows. They both thank Niall and when I look up to see Niall's face he seems scared, but less scared than he did at the beginning.

When Niall and I enter I couldn't believe my eyes. It's like a therapy room but more extravagant. This room is the size of a grand ballroom and the wall opposite the door is covered with floor to ceiling windows that let in an afternoons sun, providing the needed light without electricity.

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