Chapter 6

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I notice Mr. Turner is busy with another student at the desk I was at yesterday. He glanced up to notice my arrival and then turned back to the other student, holding up a finger to excuse himself from his conversation. I watch as Mr. Turner gets up and begins striding towards me.

“Harry? What happened here?” he says once he stopped in front of me. His eyes flash with worry as he looks to where the guy in green was standing before. He remains silent and hands Turner the slip of paper before he goes back out to the hallway.

Mr. Turner sighs, “Alright Harry, why don’t you have a seat over there while I clear things up with Calum.”

He points over to where the couches and cushions were set up. I nod and make my way to sit on one of the leather couches. There were a few other students waiting, one pair specifically caught my attention. There was one with a lip piercing and spiked blonde hair that was sitting on the couch reading a magazine that he seemed to be really interested in. The other had almost curly hair, course not as curly as mine, and he sat on the ground in between the first guy’s legs.

What caught me off guard was when the guy on the ground started to nuzzle his head on the lip-pierced guy’s knee. It must’ve caught the blonde’s attention because his hand moved to ruffle the curls of the boy on the ground.

“Harry?” I snap my focus to the left where Mr. Turner called my name. He was looking at me curiously and I couldn’t handle the look so I stood up and made my way to his desk.

I sat in the same chair as before and waited as Mr. Turner sat down across from me. He sat down and just stared at me. What is he doing? Shouldn’t he be scolding me or something?

As we sat there quietly I was trying to pick up on others conversations. I was listening to some guy named Jake talking about his home sickness. And once he started talking about how he missed his cat I switched focus and started listening to Harper talk about his history of theft.

Listening to other’s conversations became boring after a bit so I faced Mr. Turner, who was still staring at me inquisitively.

“What?” I snarled.

 He shrugged his shoulders and said, “I was just thinking how much time we’ll spend with each other this year.”

I scoffed, “Yeah and I was wondering when the hell I can go home.”

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