Chapter 24

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Harry's POV

Monday rolled around and can I just say how thankful I am that Louis doesn't make me wear those fucking collars. Honestly, guys walking around with a fucking collar on like an animal. I mean, that's taking the hole 'men are dogs' to a whole new level.

Hale still drags on and on about who knows what. I've lost all my passion for arguing this school is a load of shit; and instead it's channeled passion of keeping the jokes to myself.

The homework of my learning class is piling up. The math and English are toppled over and I can feel my mark in that class already dwindling.

"Harry, you got the answer for twenty-two?" Niall whispers leaning over me as the teacher takes up yesterday's class work.

"Fuck that," I scoff, showing him my lined paper with only three questions answered.

Niall sighs and looks back to the teacher.

"It's only one class. At a school like this in not even sure this shit is important." I try to ease him from whatever worry he had.

"Will you please stop cussing in front of me?" He groans, turning his head to me.

My eyebrows knit together and I look at him in astonishment, "What are you on about?"

His eyes close as his posture slumps, "Liam isn't letting me talk to you because he says you're a bad influence. If you can prove you're not, maybe we can hold a conversation longer than a simple greeting."

"Why are you even listening to that guy? You're your own person Niall. Talk to whoever you want." I can't believe he's losing his identity to some person trying to make a guy correct his language.

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