Chapter 7

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I look at Mr. Turner trying to decipher if it's worth asking him what the hell he's talking about or if I just ignore that remark completely.

"Look Harry, you're not exactly the first person to rebel against this school. I myself did first year. Don't come in here thinking you're untouchable alright? It will only make things worse." He points his index finger warningly at me but I can hear the joke in his tone.

"Well can you blame me?" I almost smile. "I mean one day I'm fucking some girl's brains out then the next I'm admitted into a gay BDSM school! Excuse the fuck out of me for thinking this is all a little messed up!"

He laughs. "Harry there is no one more perfect for you than Louis." He looks to the watch on his wrist. "And in twenty minutes when he comes in here for your session then we can talk a little more in depth. Do you have any questions that I can help you with?"

I think about it. He really can't. The only thing that can help me is if I get the fuck out of here. I just need time to find out how this works. If I'm honest I don't even know the layout of the grounds very well.

Tonight I'll get Niall to go for a walk with me and we'll make a plan. There has to be a way out.

"Harry?" this time it wasn't Mr. Turner who caught my attention. I turned to face Louis. His voice already etched into my brain. I'd never tell him but his voice, there's something alluring about it. He must get a lot of girls, or guys, whatever floats his boat.

"What did you do?" he looks from me to Mr. Turner, waiting for an answer.

"Well he, quote misinformed the class and put their safety in danger unquote." Mr. Turner mocks in a deep voice.

Louis pulls a chair from a neighboring desk and sighs. He positioned the chair so it would be facing me directly. He looks directly at me and he leans forward to rest his forearms on his knees.

"I. Will not. Be Used. As a fucking toilet." I say through gritted teeth. I stare Louis directly in the eyes to make sure I get the point across. He looks at me intently for a few moments before nodding and leaning back in his chair.

"Work your magic Mr. Turner!" he booms. He doesn't seem angry or upset like I had expected him to. He actually seemed amused by the topic?

"I thought you'd say that." Mr. Turner smirked. He turned his chair to face his computer sitting on the desk.

I turned my attention to Louis, "No questions?" I ask skeptically.

"I trust you." He shrugs his shoulders.

"How?" he's hardly known me and for the time he has known me I've caused nothing but trouble for him.

"Because I know more about you than you think." He winks.

What the fuck is he talking about?

I turn away and look back to Mr. Turner, "Are you almost done?"

"Wow rude and impatient. Look who lucked out Lou?"

"I'm sitting right here." I remind them. They only smile and turn their attention elsewhere.

After waiting for what seemed like ages, but was only like ten minutes in reality, Mr. Turner had printed something and signed the bottom of the page before handing the slip over to Louis.

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