Chapter 57

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Harry's POV

"Am I still drunk?" I sigh.

I don't know how long I've been sat here in this bath. The water is not so hot anymore, but it's still warmer than the air, making me want to sink down as low as I can.

Louis is sitting beside the tub, his shirt off and his hand running over my legs and torso. We haven't said much, but the quiet is nice. I don't know what I want to hear from him. Do I even want him to say anything?

"I don't think you're as drunk." Louis mumbles, sleep almost taking over by the sound of his voice.

I open my eyes to see Louis with his head resting on his bent arm on the side of the tub. His eyes half open as he looks over me.

I sit up, the water flowing around me, and I fold my arms on the tub, resting my chin and tilting my head to look at Louis.

"How could I forget?" I mumble. The sounds of the water hitting the sides of the tub is the only thing I can hear.

Louis reaches up to the side of my face, "You're not to blame. For any of this."

I sigh, feeling nothing but guilt no matter what he says. It's not a matter of faults or blame; it's the simple fact I forgot this day was coming up.

Only the bottom of my hair has gotten wet, the pieces stick to my back and shoulders as I move my head. I keep threatening to cut my hair but it never happens. Truth be told, the long is becoming something I like.

"What do you want to do?" He asks me.


"Do you want to visit his grave? Go home for the weekend? You should have a chance to cope."

I reach out to run my fingers along his arm, "I don't deserve you." I half expected him to say something, but he doesn't so I continue, "Somewhere in my year there's a guy who deserves the help you can give."

Louis' face distorts and he glares at me, "Stop that." He sits up straighter, his voice raised a little, he's more awake it seems now. "Don't ever say that." He doesn't seem angry, more upset I think, "If it's anyone, I don't deserve you. Do you know how good you've been to me?"

No, because I've been a shit person to you.

"You'll see it one day." Louis says.

And then it's quiet.

Louis smiles tiredly when he notices I'm staring. His eyes look so blue tonight. Is it because he's tired?

How am I so attracted to this man? How do I feel this way, yet know this isn't the person I was raised to be.

"It's two hours away." I say to break the silence.

"We can drive it."

"Alright. Well... Looks like you're going to meet my family."


We woke up early on Saturday to welcome Zayn back into Liam's house, and say goodbye to Justin. It was awkward. But I know if we weren't there, it would have been more awkward.

"Justin, mate. Don't be shy to pick up a phone. You have my number, and I know you've got iMessage." Louis teases, hugging Justin tightly.

Zayn stands beside me, his eyes have been red since the moment he got here.

Justin got his uncle to drive him and Zayn here. So they can say goodbye and then his uncle can drive him to the airport.

"You know our door is always open." I say to Zayn.

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