Chapter 27

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I know, I know >.< I'm terrible at updates. Thank you for sticking with me:*

Harry's POV

Yesterday was the first Thursday night where Zayn wasn't there. And I must admit, it's like he was never here in the first place. The way Liam and Niall just cuddled up so easily on the couch, it was if it was only them, they didn't seem to be affected by Zayn's absence.

Around school I've seen Zayn, he seemed happier or something. I saw him once talking with a group of his classmates, he had a big smile on his face, one that would almost be mistaken for a laugh. Before, he had always been quick to get to Liam. I hope Justin is actually treating him right, poor lad seemed too passive to say anything if he was being treated poorly. But, Mr. Turner and his husband are there, so I've heard.

I have yet to hear Niall call Liam anything other than 'sir' so, I have no idea if they've discussed anything Louis had mentioned on Monday. Truth be told, I'm glad. I mean, Niall's a great guy, but to hear him call Liam 'daddy', my nose just crinkles.

Louis' in his room getting ready right now, he's already said he wanted me to wear, I don't mind him choosing my clothes for this stuff because I know I look good in anything. It's nice seeing his eyes light up when he sees me in the clothes he's chosen.

This is only my second gala, and the first one wasn't bad, I'm hoping for the same thing; show up, sit down, wait an hour, leave. Louis said he's expecting some friends from some snobby elite school tonight. He got a letter in the mail saying they'll be here. He seems excited, and he's even invited them to stay over tonight so he can take them touring tomorrow. Well, we'll take them touring; I'm getting dragged along. It doesn't matter to me though, Louis says they're not snobby, just good at what they do. Whatever.

Louis knocks at my door and he turns the knob and pushes the door open slightly and pokes his head through, probably to see if I'm dressed, which I am. Dressed in a black dress shirt with my jeans. It took Louis tons of begging and whining to get me in a button up, until I got tired of his bitching and just figured fuck it.

"Collar?" Louis smiles sympathetically. "It's a life saver you know. I mean, Zayn didn't seem to have the best of luck, but Justin is of course the headmaster's nephew." Louis shrugs his shoulders and he comes into my room with the black piece of new leather in his hand. I think that the collar was bought for me, or Louis' submissive more specifically. It's a shame it won't be put to use other than these galas once a week.

Louis then unbuckles the strap and holds it out in the palms of both his hands. What a degrading piece of material. Leather, wrapped around a human's neck, to show... ownership? Slavery to another person? It's inhumane.

"Haz, c'mon mate." Louis' eyebrows raise in a pleading manner and jostles his wrists to bring my attention back to what he was holding and what his intentions are.

I sigh heavily before I turn around, my back facing him, giving him the permission to put it on. I wait patiently as he loops it around the front of my neck and buckles it securely, not being too tight. I turn around and see him smile full with pride.

"I was thinking of getting you a different form of collar." He begins, walking away and to my bed where I had my uniform thrown askew, "I was doing my research and you can have necklaces. Do you wear necklaces?"

He distracts his hands by folding the sweater, then my pants, and grabs a hanger from the closet to put away my blazer properly.

"It's better than this thing." I groan and sit back on my bed, leaning against the headboard. It wasn't a thick collar. It fell to rest on my collar bones, and it wasn't any bigger than an inch. It wouldn't have been noticeable in weight either if I didn't feel I was in threat of being choked to death every minute I wear it.

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