Chapter 28

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Two things before this chapter starts!

The 'playrooms' I've made for my characters are not dungeons. BDSM has been stereotyped into having people think that. The play rooms are quite honestly furnished basements with some neat sex toys. In other words, watching BDSM porn is not how it actually happens.

I posted a 20 Facts About Me, so you should check that out. XD por favor

Now onward!!


Narrator's POV

"Oh shit." Mitch snorts with a laugh and a smile on her face as she covered her mouth with her hand. She turns to look between Liam and Justin, unaware of the possessiveness between them.

"And who are to tell him what he can or can't wear?" Liam scoffed, "I'm his master. All you are is greedy. The three of us were doing perfectly fine, but no, you had to interfere. And of course it's acceptable, because your uncle is the damn dean of this place. So you have no right taking away his comfort. You're so bloody ignorant to this lifestyle, you have no idea what's right or wrong."

Justin's tongue swiped across his teeth as he listened to Liam go off in a huff. His fingers tapping against Zayn's side, tapping the shirt of his that Zayn was wearing. "Well Liam, I'm sorry you see it that way. Because I only saw that kink as something you used to avoid what Zayn's actual problems are. You used it so he would seek comfort in something more reliant than you are, because you know you don't like being attached. You don't like being held down-"

"That's a lie!" Liam raised his voice, wanting to stand up to shout but the table forbidding him to do so. His arm removed itself from around Niall and smacked against the table.

Niall had shifted a few inches away from Liam and closer to Harry. Harry remained silent but he placed his hand atop of Niall's thigh, attempting to stop the shaking that was happening in Niall's legs.

"Sure it is." Justin remained composed. "But you wanted my reason for why Zayn isn't taking part in his normal puppy look, and I was explaining it."

Louis was torn to step in or to just let the two hash it out. He remained silent, but his legs bounced in agitation as he waited for something to happen. He waited for the moment him or Harry would have to step in.

"Explaining it? More like finding any possible way to degrade my abilities." Liam looked appalled with the words that were being spoken against him.

"I'm not degrading them." Justin raised an eyebrow, "I only said what your abilities were."

Mitch couldn't contain the snort of laughter she made, but she was quick to cover her mouth and nose with her hand. Azam kept his hand rubbing on the skin beneath her skirt, in order to remind her this isn't her battle to get involved in.

"Now if you'll excuse us, I'd prefer Zayn not to be influenced while he's with me." Justin dismissed himself and Zayn, with the intention of protecting him from Liam's words. Justin knew Liam was still jealous, that he was still jealous over the possession of Zayn.

Justin interlocked his fingers with Zayn before giving a curt nod to the table in general, then guiding Zayn towards the bar where he was going to get himself a bottle of water.

"He is such a pompus asshole. Arrogant." Liam shook his head angrily as he sat back in the booth and crossed his arms.

Niall hesitantly scooched closer to Liam, moving so that they're legs were touching. His smaller body turned so his chest pressed against the flexed bicep of Liam.

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