Chapter 15

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Narrators POV

Liam's grip on Niall was tight. Too tight. It made the blonde cry in pain. But he was far too scared to say anything. Instead he let Liam drag him across the street and into the large house.

Once through the door Liam took a deep breath to settle himself slightly. He was beside himself that such language was used in such a public space. And to have been pulled out of class in order to pick up his boy was absolutely embarrassing. He was just sitting there, beside Louis, in his class which talked about the Mentality of a submissive. They were in the middle of an important lesson on the different tell-tale signs a sub might show, just as someone from the office student staff knocked on the door. Liam would never in a million years believe it would be his name called amongst forty of his classmates. For him to be centred out like that made him nauseous. His first thought was that someone was hurt, he would of course be the first to know. But that was not the case however, he was being taken away from a learning opportunity to face his newest submissive in the guidance waiting room. Immediately Liam had gone to sit beside Niall and wrap the smaller boy in his arms and that's when the waterworks from Niall began.

Niall didn't know that Liam hadn't found out the reason for his arrival yet, he thought that Liam was showing sympathy and comfort to him and that's why he was emotional. But when Liam started asking where he was hurt or what was hurting it finally clicked to Niall. And once that screw fell into place he knew he had to explain himself, digging his grave right there for all to see. Niall hadn't managed to tell the whole story before Professor Hale asked for them to join him at his desk. Niall knelt as Liam conversed with the Professor, talking about the severity of Niall's mouth. The kneeling boy was so out of tune with his surroundings that he didn't even hear his Dom tell him to stand up, which only caused more tension to arise.

"I'm going to take a breather, calm my nerves a bit." Liam's seethes, "I never deal with anyone when I have built up anger, it's not safe. So I'm going to help you get situated downstairs then I'm going to take a nice shower while you stay there and think about what you've done. Do I make myself clear?"

Niall whimpers and nods his head, his shoes and jacket already removed.

"Niall you will use your words when answering my questions." Liam understood the fear that must be coursing through Niall's body, hell, Liam felt it radiating off of him. But it couldn't compete with the mix of emotions that Liam had.

"Yes Master," Niall corrected himself.

"Good. Now follow me to the playroom." Liam didn't wait for a response from Niall as he went to the end of the hall and grabbed ahold of the dark wood handrail. Liam made the descent down the smooth wooden staircase and he listened carefully for the following steps. Liam watched Niall's face form an expression of shock mixed with excitement and fear as he took in all that was the playroom.

The different cabinets with clear glass doors so you're able to see the contents. Liam had two categories for his storage cabinets, 'pleasure' and 'punishment'. Pleasure was stocked with dildos, vibrators, cock rings, anal beads, and just about any anal toy known for stimulating the utmost pleasure.

His punishment cabinet came equipped with paddles of all sorts, whips, certain ropes, small flogs; this cabinet was hardly put to use with Zayn and when Liam wished he could use it he didn't mean every night. He hates punishing the ones he cares for, but he has to in order for them to learn from their mistakes.

Liam realized early on that Zayn couldn't handle the main forms of punishments, it forced Liam to think outside the box for other forms of punishment. That list is still on-going but it normally includes corner-time, or in bad cases Zayn isn't allowed to sleep in the bed with Liam. However an instance like that only occurred once.

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