Chapter 65

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An update to celebrate the Larents' anniversary!!!!



The conversation drifted to everyone catching up on how things were going. Some topics sexual, some not. I listened intently to most of it, but I didn't really participate.

Once it hit four in the evening I offered to make dinner. Everyone seemed to like the idea; Louis even vouching for my cooking skills.

Niall offered to help me and I couldn't refuse.

"How are things with you, H? I feel like we haven't talked in forever." Niall says as we step into the kitchen.

I go to the fridge and grab a beer, handing one to Niall as well.

As I open the bottle I shrug my shoulders, "Pretty good I guess."

He looks at me with a side eye that makes me think he knows something.


He looks down, "Well what happened last night then?"

I roll my eyes, "How do you know something happened last night?"

He raises his hands, "Liam told me that Louis was drunk last night, more than when we left the club."

I suck on the inside of my cheek, "Yeah, last night Louis told me he loved me."

Niall's mouth falls open, "What!" He whispers loudly, "H, that's awesome!"

I shrug, "Maybe."

I turn around to start pulling ingredients from the fridge, looks like we're having the basic of chicken, potato, and corn.

"Well? Do you love him back?" Niall prods.

"Niall." I plead, glancing over to the living room.

No one seems to have noticed, but that doesn't make me feel any less safe about what Niall is thinking.

I look back to Niall and his gaze meets mine with a devilish smirk, "It wasn't a no."

"I don't know, okay?" I turn around to hide from his gaze, "It's not a yes, and it's not a no."

"Louis and Harry sittin' in a tree." Niall snickers and starts poking my back.

I laugh, "Shut up alright there, baby boy." I mock playfully, a big grin crossing my face.

Niall gasps and covers his heart with his hand, "Shut up!" He laughs

Before we know it, Niall and I are in a poking match, throwing playful nags at each other.

"What are you two doing in there?" Comes Liam's voice from the living room.

"Nothing!" Niall and I call at the same time, making us laugh even more.

I glance over to the living and immediately settle to Louis'. His gaze is warm with fond eyes, a look that has my heart stop. I send him a warm smile and his smile just grows.

"Dinner." I say to clear our minds and snap us back to what needs to be done. "Or Daddy will be upset." I whisper in Niall's ear as I walk by him.

"Shut up!" He laughs even harder, "You're such an ass."

"Careful now, Daddy might hear."

The looks of frustration with a hint of humour on Niall's face has me sending a smirk his way.

"I've missed ya, H."

I smile before I start looking at the fridge once more.

"Can we just order pizza?"

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