Chapter 66

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Sitting in this class is boring as hell. I don't give a shit about this stuff, Louis and I aren't even there yet. And plus, I feel like I'm behind the rest of the class anyways. So I couldn't care less about what this teacher has to say. I'm just glad it's the last week of school.

"Niall." I whisper, earning his glance over to me.

"Be quiet." He warns. This teacher is particularly strict with talking.

But I'm restless.

"I still don't have any ideas for Louis. What are you getting him?"

"I got him a jersey." He whispers back with a dismissive tone, "Now shut up."

"I'll buy it from you."

"What? Harry, no."

"Mr. Horan and Mr. Styles, we missed you yesterday. The class was actually quiet." The comment from the professor earns a few chuckles from the seated class.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Sir. I'll be extra loud today to make up for yesterday." I smile sarcastically.

"Enough." He warns, "You'll wait after class and I'll contact both of your partners."

I hide my wince as it's been a while since I've heard those words. The first few weeks of school that's all my teachers ever did to handle me. Then I guess I calmed down. I just couldn't help myself today.

I give Niall an apologetic look, I didn't think that this would be the consequence.

"Get him something sexy. Handcuffs with initials on it. Something like that."

I nod my head, "And something for Christmas."

"Can't go wrong with another something sexy." Niall shrugs again.

"What are you getting Liam?"

Niall giggles, "A paddle with the batman logo on it."

"What?" I couldn't have heard him right.

"And of course Christmas sex near the fireplace."

"Oh." I scoff, "Of course."

"Styles and Horan. I will not have you disrupt my class again. Hall." He points towards the door.

Niall and I shuffle our things into our bags and I follow him out into the hall.

"Sorry." I mutter as the door closes behind me and we're left in the empty hall.

"It's fine. I was about to fall asleep anyways. I just hate when Liam gets embarrassed because of me."

Does Louis get embarrassed when I'm in trouble? I never thought of it like that.

"Wanna go shopping with me after school?"

"Yeah mate. What do you need?"

"Presents for Louis! Keep up." I laugh and it makes him laugh at his own foolishness.

It was another fifteen minutes before the bell had rang and the teacher called us back into the class to wait for Liam and Louis.

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