Chapter 59

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Happy Halloween!!!!


Also.... Still Falling For You – Ellie Goulding.... If that's not larry in this story... I don't normally like her but I listened to it and was like ahhhhhhhhh


Harry's POV

Through the night I held Louis, he was quite content to cuddle and I knew I wanted to make him feel better.

It shouldn't have happened in the first place, but maybe Louis' right; something worse could've happened.

"You alright?" Louis asks quietly from where his head is laying on my chest.

"I thought you were sleeping." I chuckle quietly, squeezing him a little tighter and rubbing his back. There was blood on his shirt and when he took it off for my mum to wash, I guess he just never put one back one.

"I can't sleep." He admits, "I'm tired, but a lot is on my mind."

The room is dark and quiet. My mum and Robin went to bed after making sure Louis was okay about a hundred times. Gemma chatted for a bit about crazy college adventures. But as nice as that may have been, I just wanted them to fuck off and I wanted to take care of Louis.

"What's on your mind?" I humour, turning my head a little to press my lips to the side of his forehead.

"Your friends. Dee mainly. Why was she so obsessed with you?"

"I-" truthfully, I don't know how to answer. "We fucked around. I guess she thought we were more than we were."

He nods his head slowly.

"You're not upset are you? That's the past, she's the past. I swear there were no feelings for her to begin with." I try and comfort Louis.

"Oh, I wasn't really worried about that." He admits. His hand has moved to cross over top of my stomach. I can tell he's distracting himself as he runs his fingertips over the hair that lays there.

"What then?" I ask.

"What-" he pauses for a moment, "What's your number? Do you figure."

"My number?" I'm shocked at his question and I feel my heart sink. "As in..." I pause to see if he finishes the sentence but he doesn't, "... As in how many people I've fucked?"

He nods his head, "Yeah."

"Louis, I don't know... You sure you want the answer to that?" I rest my hand on his hip and let that in itself calm me.

"I want to know. You don't have to answer right now, but I'm curious."

"Well if you want to know, I mean, I'd say around 50. I don't exactly keep track."

"All girls?" He laughs, but I know it's fake.

"Yup." I say, "All girls."

And then it's quiet...

Is he going to tell me his? Do I ask?

"Well what about you." I say.

He remains quiet.

"Do you trust me when I tell you there are just some things better left untold?"

"Are you a virgin or something?" I try to laugh lightly because if that's the case it's not a big deal. You definitely can't tell.

"No..." He sighs, "You know why I went to Divisional in the first place?"

"Yeah you said there was that year that you and your mom fought and you weren't living at home."

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