Chapter 33

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*When you realize One Direction does a better version of the song than the original group* if you know what I'm talking about.... Bless


Harry's POV

I had to tell Niall to shut up about twenty times this afternoon. He wouldn't stop asking questions about Saturday night and telling me about how happy he is for me to be accepting of this school. I explained to him that it wasn't what I was doing.

The more he talked about it, the more I came to question my decision to upgrade the contract.

He might've seen this as a step where he can now fully tell me about him and Liam's sex life. I don't want to know about how Niall was introduced to the vibrators.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I was relieved when I saw Louis. When I saw him and Liam leaning against the jeep, I immediately went to stand next to Louis.

The conversation between them was stopped and Louis turned to me, "Haz, you alright?"

"Fine. You?" My attitude may have been a little on the offence side so I give him a quick smile. Fake, but hopefully he didn't notice that part.

"I'm good, the guest speaker this morning was phenomenal. She was teaching us about the different career paths we can take now that we have this school on our resume. And it was funny to see her flirt with Mr. Reid. She was trying so hard. You should've seen her face when Mr. Reid introduced her to Turner this afternoon. Right, Liam?" Louis' laugh brings out the crinkles beside his eyes and his eyes light up in humor.

"I know," Liam laughs right along with Louis, "Did you see her lean on the desk that Reid was sitting at. She was definitely making sure he saw her boobs."

"She should've known better." Louis adds before suggesting we get going.

When Louis and I walked into the house I took off my shoes and then I took off the uniform sweater, throwing it over the banister railing and then taking off the white dress shirt, "I really hate wearing these uniforms."

"Well I wouldn't mind you taking it all off."

My eyes widen in shock of his blunt flirting and I turn around to face him. He seems to have realized what he said too, because his cheeks are red and his eyes were as wide as mine.

He shrugs, "Well, I'm not taking it back. It's true."

I roll my eyes, and pull the white dress shirt back on my arms, but I leave it unbuttoned because I can't handle the confinement of the shirt. It was uncomfortable enough with the tie or the sweater; I can't stand uniforms.

I hear a 'Well that's not any better.' coming from Louis but I chose to ignore it.

"What do you want for dinner?" I walk around the counter and grab the water bottle from the fridge that I left earlier.

Louis takes a seat at the kitchen table and he loosens his tie as he flips through the mail he got last night.

"What's on the menu, chef?"

"Um," I wonder out loud. I open the pantry and then look to the fridge. "Are you up for a macaroni casserole?"

Louis hums, "That sounds delicious."

"Okay, well then if you could grate the cheese. I'll boil the macaroni, because we both know you can't." When I turn my head around to see Louis' reaction I just see him reading a flyer and holding up the middle finger.

I smile and reach for the tomatoes from the fridge, and grab the noodles from the pantry. I fill a pot of water and put it on the stove to boil.

I wash my hands in the sink and grab the cutting board and put it on the counter so I'm facing Louis.

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