Chapter 52

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Chapter one of the niam book is posted!!!

Beautiful art by Latume thank you so much babe<33 it's amazing!!! I've literally shown my mother and all my friends haha



Louis and I spent the night in bed really. I didn't get dressed, I felt naked in all honesty. But it wasn't anything new. I used to sleep naked all the time.

He was watching his show, but it was one I never really watched the first four seasons of, so I couldn't have cared less about the episode. I was bored, so I decided to entertain myself. I slid my hand down Louis' pants. He seemed a little surprised at first, but he wrapped his arm around my back to hold me closer.

He kept his eyes on the tv, but I continued to tease him until he was hard.

We were under the blankets from our laps down. It was nice.

The handjob was soft and it was just... I don't know. Nice.

Louis and I took the pace of this morning slower than usual. We didn't have to meet up with Liam and Niall.

Louis did go over there though, to get them a cooked breakfast and make sure they had everything before we left for school. He was gone and back before I even woke up.

"I can already see the look on Hale's face." I lean my forehead in my hand against the car window as we pull into the school parking lot.

Louis laughs, "Tell him to go fuck himself. Honestly, someone needs to do it. I wish I would've done it first year, and I probably would've if it weren't for Greg breathing down my neck." Louis shakes his head with a sad chuckle.

"He hates my guts enough. It's kind of annoying to be standing up there now."

"Well have you thought about asking permission to kneel with the rest of the class?" Louis suggests.


"I think you should. It's not bad, Hazza. It's one class, isn't it?"

"Yeah. The rest there's desks. As there should be." I grumble and open my door.

Louis does the same and I meet him back around the jeep so we can walk into the school together.

"Look," Louis says and nudges my elbow with his own, "Maybe not today, but you should talk to Hale. I hate him as much as you do."

"Is there anything more to that story?" I ask and rub my hands down the tan coloured pants.


"Like.. Was it just that he turned you away when you told him about Greg? I don't know, it seems a little little for how much you seem to hate him."

I mean, the trauma of Greg and all, and then having Hale say that. Okay, maybe that was a little harsh.

"Never mind." I say, "Don't answer that."

"No, um. Yeah... yeah, there was more." He sighs, "I should be honest with you. When, uh, when I started to not become enough for him, he went to other resources."

Uh oh. I know what path this is on.

Louis kind of laughed, "Well, Greg would target teachers. Mainly the submissives, but there was one teacher dominant that apparently had a secret side to him."


"No, oh god no. Can you actually picture him on his knees for someone else?" Louis laughs.

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