Chapter 4

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Niall read all of chapter one in thirty minutes. It wasn’t as bad as I had expected. All it talked about was what we’re getting into basically. The way they put it makes it seems so nice and a walk in the park. But I fucking know that’s not how it actually is. We newbies are supposed to be part of a grand scheme to be slaves for all the kids who have done this before. To them it’s like giving back.

“Harry do you want to see if we can find some lunch. Would you be alright with that?” Niall asks as he gently pokes my back. We we’re laying in the same position, having not moved in an hour. He didn’t seem to mind one bit that I cried through his whole reading. He would stop here and there and offer encouraging words, it seemed to help a bit.

I shrug my shoulders, “Whatever you want.”

“Well right now I’m hungry and I want food. But I don’t want to leave you here alone.” He seems sincere, like he actually cares for my health. Is this what friends are supposed to do? Or does he have like a crush on me or something? No, no, we’re just friends.

“Okay yeah, I could eat. We did skip breakfast.” I shift out from under his arm and stood up from the bed. I grabbed the top rail for support as I tried to steady myself. Ugh fuck I hate when I stand up too fast. Niall stood up from the bed as well and he tossed his textbook on top of his bed.

“Where are the other two?” I ask, noticing they haven’t arrived yet.

“Liam told me that those guys’ Dominants likes to have them by their side 24/7. Obsessive right?”

Yeah that is pretty weird. I hope Louis’ not like that. In fact I swear to god if he is I’m not going to have it. I don’t care what I have to do he will not take control of my life.

“So you like that Liam guy?” it bugs me how much Niall seems at ease once he met Liam. Before then he looked like a deer caught in the headlights. We shouldn’t even be here. At this stupid school with no reception. How am I supposed to call my mum and sister? Let them know I’m fucking alive.

“Yeah he’s great. He also has this other guy, he said his name was Zayn I think, anyways that guy is like his other submissive. But he said that he would be sorta part-time Dom to me.”

“Niall. Mate you were so scared this morning. What happened?” I lean against the bedpost. And watch as Niall pulls a sweater from his suitcase. When he turns back around to face me he shrugs.

“I don’t know. Liam kinda just helped I guess. He said he’s not making me do anything until I’m fully ready. So I don’t have to worry about pressure.”

“Yeah but what about the fact he’s a guy. Like… does that mean that he would be putting his dick up your ass?” this school really is being dumb for practically forcing kids to be gay. It’s a good thing I put that in the contract. Louis, nor anyone else, will touch me in that way. I always have control. Always.

“Probably. It’s a good thing I’m a bottom then yeah?” he laughs.


“Good thing I’m used to it.” He eyes me up and down, losing the smile on his face. “You’re not homophobic are you?”

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