Chapter 14

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So now it's going back to Harry's POV and they're in class. Sorry for confusion.. I hate writing time jumps buuuuut I felt it was important to show a little bit of niam and ziam!!:)


Harry's POV

I'm not someone to hold a grudge, okay maybe I am. Maybe the fact that Niall is taking their side peeves me.

Actually, it's not a maybe. It's a fact. I'm pissed Niall is already so close with Liam. It was supposed to be me and him, not me and maybe him.

I wait in my spot with my arms crossed in front of me as I watch Niall walk through the heavy classroom door.

He immediately looks to me and I see his face is flush, maybe from running after me, maybe from making out with Liam, I may never know.

I force myself to avoid eye contact with him, no matter how much I just need to ask him what the fuck is going on.

Like Louis said, Niall will feel obligated to tell Liam.

"Harry? C'mon mate talk to me." He pleads, standing beside me in his assigned spot. I keep my gaze in the opposite direction of him. His hands go to touch my elbow and forearm but the moment I felt contact I whipped my arms away from him.

"What's up with you?" His voice slightly more aggressive.

That was a turning point for me, "What's up with me? What's up with you? I thought it was going to be us against them, two on two, even odds! Now it's three on one, heck throw that guy Zach in there and it's four on one!"

"His name's Zayn."

"You think I care?" I growl at him, "That's not what's important here!" I actually tell him what I'm thinking and the first thing he says is that I got a guy's name wrong! Unbelievable! Maybe this is why things are just kept to myself. Maybe this is why I don't see a point to sharing feelings, and emotions. If people can't understand them there's no point to them even knowing!

"Well Harry, I never left your side. Ever. Why are there even a need for sides?" I can see the anger growing in his blue eyes, "Liam treats me right, there's something there that I have been looking for in someone since high school! I finally find someone who has a slice of hope from what I can see and you're taking that away from me by making me 'pick sides', c'mon Harry." His voice raises to match that of mine.

"That's because that's what he was taught to do." I exasperated, "To make you feel special. To make you feel like you actually mean something to him. When in reality, all you are to him is a personal slave." I lower my voice, not wanting to attract anymore attention of our classmates.

Niall's face instantly dropped. His anger diminished as the words spoken sunk into him.

That'll give you something to chew on there Nialler.

"Gentlemen." Hale said in a hushed yet stern voice. I hadn't even noticed his presence in front of us until that moment. "I believe this conversation is better held in private. Class is starting."

Niall waited until Hale's back was turned before he growled a "Fuck you."

"Pardon me Mr. Horan?" Hale turned his back to look Niall dead in the eyes. By the way the blonde cowards back it doesn't take a genius to figure out how scared he is. Primary instinct acting is to defend him and say we were only joking.

But you don't defend someone you don't like.

"I- uh- I didn't me-"

"No excuses for that language. I'm calling the office. Come here." Hale snapped his fingers and pointed to the ground beside his desk, "Down, until someone comes to get you."

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