Chapter 5

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This morning went something similar to yesterdays'. Niall woke me up and we rushed to get ready for class. The other two boys, who I've yet to learn their names, weren't there.

I pulled on the pants to my uniform we got yesterday. They're the normal tan khakis you see every private school wear. On the navy blue blazer they have a crescent of some sorts, probably the school's emblem. It took me a while to figure out the tie but with help from Niall we were out the door with ten minutes until class.

Niall and I ended up making it to class before Hale. The majority of the class was kneeling silently in their positions. The only thing keeping me from laughing was seeing Niall get to that position himself. There were a few kids quietly talking beside each other, so I sat cross legged in my spot beside Niall.

"Honestly Niall, you shouldn't let these people boss you around like this." I whisper, making sure he's the only one to hear.

"I'm not." He doesn't look up from where his head was bowed. "I trust Liam."

"You've spoken to him for a couple hours! That is not enough time to know a person. How can you trust someone you just met?"

"You gotta have faith in people Harry."

"Faith? Trust? Jeez what's next? Respect?" I joke lightly.

"That's a good one too."

"Ugh." I bring the palm of my hand to my forehead to start rubbing it comfortingly. There is no convincing Niall.

The door opened so fast I didn't even get a chance to turn my head and see who was walking in before a booming voice echoed the room. "Styles. If your brain is incapable of remembering the events of yesterday let me remind you that you have lost the privilege to sit in my class."

By the time I look up he was already sorting through folders at his desk. How the hell? He didn't even look at me! Am I predictable or something?

I slowly rise to my feet and stand with my arms across my chest. I look around the class to see everyone with their head bowed and notice how perfect their lines are. They must've had a good talkin' with their Doms yesterday. Is Louis a bad Dominant? Is that why Hale found it ironic he was with me?

"I hope yesterday went according to plan. I expect everyone read chapter one of the text. John Marks." He faces a bloke with short hair and broad shoulders. No doubt the guy played some American football at his high school. "What is one thing you learned from reading yesterday?"

"Never speak unless spoken to Sir."

"Very good," Hale says as he leans against the front of his desk. "But that was not in the chapter, and instead that was from my lesson yesterday. Notes shall be made."

I watch John and see when his arms squeeze tighter to his sides, containing a shiver.

"Harry Styles." Hale says with a smirk the size of Joker's. "What is one thing you learned from reading?"

This fucker thinks he's got me. Ha!

I look him straight in the eye when I say "There are a lot of different ways that this stuff happens. There's 24/7, there's chosen hours, chosen days. Every relationship is different. It's meant to be whatever's best the both of them. Or the group depending on the situation." I add as I thought about Niall and whoever he said he had to be involved with.

I can tell he was caught off guard as he grunts and then turns to ask another kid the same questions. He continues his little game, keeping notes of who's done their homework and who hasn't. After only asking six kids he speaks up, elaborating on my idea.

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