Chapter 67

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I never used to think about love. It was always just one of those things I knew I'd never have. Like a Range Rover, or a nice house to call my own, or even a family of my own. But now, Louis has me thinking more seriously about this shit. How do I even know if I love him? When does the moment happen where feelings cross over to love?

I know I blame a lot on my past, but seeing as Louis had just as fucked up of a past as I had and he still said it, I feel like I don't have much to blame on. How do I even know Louis is telling the truth? Not that I think he's lying, but what if he's just as confused about love as I am?

I'm sat on my bed, is it even my bed? Or just the guest bed allotted to me at this point? Louis is out doing some shopping for Christmas, and when I offered to go along with, he said that he was shopping for me. I couldn't believe that. I can't even remember the last time I got a present from someone other than my family.

In my hands are the torn papers I found from a few nights ago. More highlighted words are read and they're from different stories according to the tops of the pages.

"I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow, than a man swear he loves me."

"Let me be that I am and seek not to alter me."

Some of these are the exact thoughts I've been having. Are Louis and I at the same place?

I read further down some of the pages, some words jumping out at me, and some not.

"For which of my bad parts didst thou first fall in love with me?"

Those words aren't highlighted yet they're words I want answered from Louis.


By the time Louis arrives home I've flipped through many of the pages that had been torn away from the book's binding. Some lines I know absolutely nothing about what's going on, but my goal was to highlight the ones that I thought I could relate to.

I tuck the pages back into the box I had them in as well as the highlighter and I get up to go meet Louis.

"What were ya doing in there?" Louis asks as we almost bump into each other in the hallway.

I shrug and look down to the bags in his hands, "Is my present in there?" I ask and grab a hold of his waist.

He chuckles and rolls his eyes, "You'll find out on the 25th."

He leans up to kiss my lips and I hold him tighter.

He pulls away with a small laugh, "Someone's eager. Let me put this away then we can chill." Louis says and starts walking towards his room.

I begin to follow, but he turns around to stop me, "Ah, ah, ah, no peeking. Go downstairs and turn on some tv."

I pout dramatically, "I don't like surprises." I try to reason.

"Well, this is a surprise you'll like."

"Doubt it." I mutter and turn around to walk downstairs.

"Know it!" Louis calls and I only shake my head fondly.

It's only a few minutes before I hear Louis come down the stairs.

"I didn't know what you want to watch, but the new episode of scandal just came out." I say and turn my head to find a distracted Louis making his way to the living room, eyes staring down at his phone.

"Doesn't matter to me." Louis says and looks up to flash me a brief smile.

I nod my head and click play for scandal.

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