Chapter 55

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What is this? An update?

I actually refuse to believe it's been how long it's been.


Harry's POV

We both got out of the jeep, my jeans still undone and I couldn't care less.

Louis walks a little faster than I do and he unlocks the front door, opening it for me and he steps in behind me.

The kitchen light and living room light are still on, but he flicks on the hall light.

"Jeans off. Right here." Louis instructs.

My hard on telling me to oblige happily. Which of course, is no problem.

I slip my jeans down my legs once more, taking them off my ankles, leaving them on the floor beside my shoes.

Louis' quick to have me backed up against the door, his hands on my hips gluing me to the cold door.

I lightly push my hips forward to try and not have my legs against the door, my crotch rubbing against his jeans. I hate that it feels good. God, so, so good.

My lips part, and my head is thrown back against the door gently, his lips chase mine, pulling them into a kiss.

"Louis." I say, moving my arms around his shoulders, slumping a little against the door.

My knees are growing weak, I can't believe that happens. I can't believe he has this much power over me. He shouldn't have this much power over me at all. Yet... here we are.

"God damn, you make me so weak." He moans against my lips, making my hips push further against his.

I push my tongue into his mouth, the familiar feeling of wet warmth is oddly soothing.

But it's different with him. It's not sloppy like the so many that's come before him. Our tongues move slower together, but his is guiding mine. Something I'm not used to, yet right now I feel okay to let that happen.

His hands move underneath my shirt, up my sides and back down again.

"I'm going to take such good care of you." Louis says, pulling back from my mouth and going down to my neck, allowing for me to catch my breath.

That's new to dirty talk for me. Yet, it's making me feel something stronger than any words ever muttered by any girl from my past.

Louis' words can always make me moan as I throw my head back, and he makes me bite my lip. That's dirty talk.

His hands rub at my hips, where the soft material is resting on me.

He doesn't touch me where I need him to, his hands seem to touch every place but.

"Stop teasing." The words echo in my head before I manage to get them out. I chuckle a little because, wow, I just said that and completely meant it.

"Me? Teasing?" Louis smirks against my neck, his thumbs brushing over my hips and taking the time to pull the panties back from my body and releasing them with a small silent snap. "Am I really the one teasing?"

I keep still, my eyes closed and just enjoying his presence in front of me. His lips, his hands, the heat of his body. I don't hold back the small noises of satisfaction.

"I'm going to get a few things." Louis says, "From downstairs." He informs me further.

He pulls back, after sucking a hickey onto the base of my neck. I reach up and carefully brush my fingertips over the tender skin. He watches me with a smile on his face. What an asshole.

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