Chapter 20

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Ou new cover!! Made by Sierra AKA (@just_love_larry) AKA 1/4 of my OT4 AKA my babes

Hey can you guys send your love to her^^ she's been going through a lot<33

********Chapter 19 was set on private so if you still haven't read it, follow me, delete the story from your library, add it back!!:) that should work***********


Harry's POV

I look in the direction of his voice. There he was. Just sitting on the couch.

Fucking Liam was sitting there, with his arms around Louis.

"Did you hear him?" The house guest asks, this time turning around to meet my eyes. He doesn't look like he is eager to help me. In fact, he looks down right pissed off.

His eyes narrowed into little slits as he stared me down.

"The keys. Are on the dash." He reminds me. I'm frozen in my spot however.

Liam acts as a shield for Louis, I can already tell Liam's in a protective state. He's laying on his back, on the couch that would be vertical to me, with his feet furthest away from me. I can see Louis' red plaid pyjama pants in contrast to Liam's black jeans, even when the lighting in the room is dimmed. Liam had his head turned so he can look at me over his shoulder.

My heart clenched when I heard a muffled sob that must've come from Louis.

"Well don't just stand there. Leave. You've already done enough." The aggressive tone in Liam's voice almost compels me to stay.

But this is my chance. And I'm not going to throw it away for a guy I barely know.

Without another glance I walk right to the front door, slip my shoes on, and walk out into the cool midnight air. I hop down the steps and throw my luggage into the back of the jeep before jumping in the front seat in a haste.

As promised, the keys are on the dash. I reach for them and immediately start the car.

Wow. There's a full tank of gas. I stop for a moment and think about what that must mean.

However it's quickly pushed to the back of my mind and I pull out of the driveway and speed down the road. The sound of tires screeching, the scenery all buzzing by me in a flash; it's an adrenaline rush all in itself. My hand adjusts the grip on the steering wheel as I drive further and further away from that fucking school. Further away from all the dumb ass teachers, and brainwashed students. What a load of bullshit! I knew a reformatory school was a bad idea, but I didn't know it'd be as bad as this!

I pass through many stop signs without hitting the brakes once, my anger boiling at the sight of Louis being cradled in Liam's arms. My rage growing as Hale's voice rings through my head. Mr. Turner's up there too, reminding me that I'm surrounded by some of the best people at the school.

The anger and confusion coursing through my brain right now is too much.

I should just run this jeep right into a tree.

But then Louis won't have a car to get around.

Oh wait, his parents are filthy fucking rich.

No. Fuck! What are you doing Harry?

I need to straighten things out, I pull the car over to the side of the road as my muscles begin to loosen in my legs.

The gravel hits the underside of the car, the sounds of night filling my ears. Bugs communicating in their own language, wolves howling every now and then. Without a sound of urban areas, this little piece of heaven is calming.

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