Chapter 60

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What is this? An update? *gasp*


Harry's POV

It's been hard to get back to our old routine. I mean... There's not a lot of teasing or anything sexual happening at all really.

Louis and I have sort of gone about the week as if the weekend never happened.

My mum has called several times but I haven't answered. Of course Louis has scolded me about it, but I just really don't want to hear from my mum right now.

Liam is more mobile and able to walk without crutches now. I think he's still struggling to find a balance of Zayn and Niall.

Zayn's been staying with us the last couple days, he's not much of a bother, he normally stays on the phone with Justin all day.

"Hey." I say softly as I walk into the kitchen, adjusting the tie around my neck.

Louis looks up from the sink briefly, "Hey." Then he looks back down to the bowl he's rinsing.

And that was it. That was our interaction for the morning.

School had gone back to being rotten for me, it's not interesting to me as I feel like I'm way behind on everything they're talking about. I'm only just getting into how to pleasure a man, and they're already on about etiquette in different situations and sharing their wild stories of sex. I feel like everyone in my classes are way more into this than I am.

Niall has made some friends, which is good I guess. He's an easy guy to befriend. But at lunch all they talk about is sex and their partners and sex with their partners.

I'm not fitting in very well.

After school it still remains to be a quiet afternoon at home with Louis... Zayn's having dinner with Liam and Niall tonight and I'm watching a movie on tv.

Louis walks by the living room, shuffling on his jacket and I can hear the car keys jingling, "I'm headed out for a minute. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Where are you going?" I sit up to turn around.

"Some quick groceries. Want to come with?" He offers and zips up his jacket.

I shake my head and rest my arms on the back of the couch and lean my chin on top, "See you soon."

"Alright." He says and heads towards the door for his shoes, "See you."

And he heads out the door. I hear the engine rumble as he pulls out of the driveway.

I turn back to the movie but it's somehow even less interesting than before.

Louis's been avoiding me, I'm finally home alone for what feels like the first time in forever.

I bite my lip as I think... What can I do?

It feels like I've been over anticipating being home alone. I lean back on the couch and stare up at the ceiling.

Louis' black eye has just been a painful reminder of what happened. I feel like I caused that entire weekend to go sour. We shouldn't have gone, Louis just made me feel confident I guess in that I could handle being back there.

I'm glad I went. It showed me that the school isn't brainwashing me completely. And that my life really was shit before Louis came in it. Before I went here.

Who knew this fucking fetish school would be so life changing for me.

I've been thinking more and more about all of this. The school could be used to its potential. I mean, I want to be with Louis... In that way, but I don't know where to start.

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