Chapter 10

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Today's the day.

You know... The day.

The one I've been dreading for a week.

Yep you guessed it, moving day.

During lunch this afternoon Niall and I worked out a plan for our great escape.

We were to plan at lunches because it would be less conspicuous as opposed to if we go at night. I mean, seeing two guys with flashlights in the middle of the night, it would raise suspicion.

An argument made by Niall for which I agreed completely.

"Harry have you got my towel?" Niall asks, rummaging around a dirty laundry pile that we haven't gotten around to fixing. This room is a mess and it's impossible to believe we've been living here for less than a week.

"Umm... Maybe it got thrown into my bag? Gimme a minute." I scuffle through my black duffle bag and lone and behold there's his dark red towel balled into my bag.

"Get your shit together!" I laugh as I throw the towel at his head. He merely shrugged his shoulders than stuffed it into his suitcase.

In our first period class today Hale informed us once again we were moving in with our Doms. Our job was to collect all our things from our dorms then meet in the cafeteria at 4:45. Hale specifically said that we are obligated to move in for at least a week, meaning you better pack up all your shit.

I've finished packing my bags, except for my phone and it's charger, I'm waiting for it charge as much as possible before we have to leave.

Niall on the other hand, his clothes are still spread out across his bed and he seems to only have half his bags full.

"Niall we have to leave in five minutes." My hand rubs at my forehead. "Damn and I thought I was bad at packing."

"Shut up would ya? The least you could do is help." He scoops a pile of clothes from his bed and plops it into his bag, however it'll fit.

"You sit. I zip." I suggest and move to kneel on the floor beside him. He sits on the bag and I can see the mound decreasing. I zip up the bag quickly and sigh when I hear Niall's phone alarm go off, alerting us to leave to the cafeteria now.

"You ready?" Niall took a deep breath.

"No but do I have a choice."

He shakes his head and stands up, slinging his bags over his shoulders. I do the same and we grab our phones, sliding them into our pockets.

"Remember Harry, it's only for a week at least. After that Louis won't be able to keep you there, and you can come back to this room." Niall pats me on the back.

"Yeah but I'd still be enrolled in this hell hole."

We make our way out of the dorm together. There are other people making their way out of their rooms.

Some that I recognize from class.

Some were wearing deep scowls that matched exactly how I feel.

But most are smiling and laughing amongst their friends. Playfully shoving one another into the wall or knocking a laundry bin out of their hands.

Niall and I walk slowly and quietly out of the long hallway and cross the campus until we reach the cafeteria. We walk in and it's blatantly obvious that we could've arrived a little later. The only people here were the third year Doms and our professors.

The third years were standing at attention as if they were soldiers and the professors were the captains. I spotted Louis and Liam standing side by side and they stepped forward once Niall and I had walked into the cafeteria.

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