Chapter 9

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Our last classes went well. I think? I was a little busy planning how Niall and I could get around campus without raising suspicion.

I don't even know what the classes were on. I hope Niall was paying attention to that stuff.

"Okay Harry, let's go back to our room and we'll start thinking." Niall whispers as he leans over from beside me. He keeps his eyes forward but it was blatantly obvious he was talking secretly to me.

"Jeez Niall could you be any less suspicious?" I scoff, "You're acting as if we're about to rob a bank."

I click the back of my pen against my notepad which we were supposed to be writing down the proper ways to treat a Dom at parties. Who the fuck needs that?

"May as well be." He trailed off.

I rolled my eyes. Things will go just fine. We can get out of here and go back to living our normal lives. And we could shut this place down.

We stayed silent until the teacher announced class was over. I slid my notebook and pen into my backpack and waited patiently for Niall to finish up his last few sentences.

Patiently being the operative word.

Once he finished we made our way out of the classroom and into the dimly lit hallways. I look at the time on my phone which reads 4:04.

School ends at four... I would ask myself what kind of school is this... But I'm tired of knowing the answer.

As Niall and I walk behind a group of people through the long hall I notice the sky has become dark. The windows on either side of the large front doors show there is obvious rain outside. Perfect weather to describe my mood. Dark and dreary.

Niall flung his back pack off his shoulders and into my arms before he ran forward out into the rain.

I watched as Niall skipped down the front steps of the school. He spun around once he reached the ground and he threw his arms out in the air. His hair becoming matted to his forehead making it more obvious he's not a natural blonde.

He tilted his head back and tried to catch the rain in his opened mouth. He turned to look up to me on the top of the stairs, underneath the protection of a roof.

I smile lightly watching how carefree he is. I sling his bag over my shoulder as I wait patiently in the safety of an eavesdrop.

"C'mon Harry let loose for once!" He shouts over the pounding rainfall.

I step to the side, out of the way of other students trying to pass to get to their dormitories. Most were oblivious to Niall but some gave him the strangest of looks as they passed, using their book bag as protection from the rain.

"Ah I don't think so there Niall!" I shouted, "Let's go to our room before you get a cold!"

I took a big deep breath then ran down the stairs to grab Niall. The cold water splashing on my shirt making me go frigid. I kept moving until I got a hold of Niall's arm.

"Aw c'mon H! It's only a little water!"

"Yeah Niall! Only a little water that'd keep you sick in bed for a week!" I shouted.

There was a loud clap of thunder making me almost jump into Niall's arms.

"Aw so you act like you're fearless but you're scared of thunder!" Niall shouts in amusement. The water droplets streaming down my face and falling off my chin onto my uniform.

"Shut up!" I glower. He merely laughs it off and grabs ahold of my hand, dragging me behind him as we run in the direction of our dorm house. He didn't stop running until we reached the safety of the overhang on the front of the building.

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