Chapter 58

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Don't know how many of you had read my comment on my board!

But my mum has been reading my story!

So I've been mortified to continue writing but here we are(:


Harry's POV

Louis was awake before I was, his restlessness woke me up too.

"Sorry." He whispers as I sit up beside him.

"What time is it?" I look over on habit but remember there isn't a clock in this room.

Louis has his phone in his hands, "It's just after eight."

I groan and I flop back onto the warm bed. I've missed these sheets. Is that weird? I've gotten used to Louis', but these are just comforting to me.

Louis rubs over my back, "I think your mum is making breakfast."

I turn my head and look up to him, "What?"

My mum rarely cooked. Especially breakfast. It was my brother. And when he passed it was my sister. And when she left, it was me.

"I hear some things clanging about in the kitchen. Let's get dressed and we'll go down." Louis says as he shuffles around to stand up beside the bed.

"I'm not getting dressed yet." I mumble and rest my head back on the pillow.

With a swift yank the blankets are no longer covering me, I groan and roll over, "Fuck you, Lou." I reach out to wrap my arms around him and pull him back to lay down in bed. He laughs and I wrap my leg over top of his.

"Haz!" He laughs, pushing at my arms. Useless.

"Why'd you have to do that? I was comfy." I mumble against his chest.

"I'm sorry, baby." He finally relaxes into my hold and rests his hand on my thigh.

We stay like this for a little longer, him rubbing my thigh and I feel like I could go back to sleep.

"We should go downstairs. Before your mom comes upstairs and tells us she made breakfast."

I know Louis has a point. Realistically, my mum would never. But with my luck, there seems to always to be a first for everything at the most inconvenient times.

I push up off the bed and I roll over, setting my feet out onto the floor and I stand up, reaching for pyjama pants to put over my boxers.

"You're going to go down like that?" Louis asks.

I look down to myself, "I've been down in worse. Come on."

I kick the mattress that was on the floor over a bit and I open the door for us.

Heading down the creaky stairs I smell eggs, and pancakes I think.

The blue hair behind the stove sets me off, but I immediately recognize who it is, "Gemz." I say and walk over to where she stands, wrapping her in a hug.

"Harry!" she wraps her arms around my torso, squeezing me tightly.

"What are you doing here?"

She pulls back and attends to the stove, "Cooking for you, you twat."

I knew my mom didn't cook breakfasts.

"I'm Gemma, you must be Louis." She reaches over for a handshake from Louis.

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