Chapter 46

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I listened to Jungle (I think.. the one that goes 'into the jungle') and I literally couldn't picture anything but Larry fucking for the first time in this story. Fuck, I hope you guys are ready, because I'm not.

And also!! This Wednesday-Friday I'm going to be in OTTAWA!! ((: anyone from there?^.^


Harry's POV

Waking up the next morning was strange. I mean, not awkward. Just strange.

I still had my arm around Louis, it was actually more like under his neck. He was faced away from me and I was on my back.

I laid there for a minute as I thought about what happened last night.

Humiliation kink? I don't like being embarrassed. I don't even know what to think about it to be quite honest.

I remember him telling me about it the night of the gala when Niall and Liam were occupied. It was the same night that Lydia, Paisley, and Cora had asked for me. They asked for me. And I said no. Because of this guy sleeping right beside me.

I look over to where Louis is still sleeping. His hair's a mess and I can only see the top of his back from where the blankets end at his waist.

He's so tanned compared to me. My skin's not exactly pale, but the sun and I don't like each other as much as I'd want.

Louis' not that close to me, his head is on the pillow just beside mine, but my forearm is under his neck.

I try moving it out from underneath him, I need a shower.

He stirs and rolls over onto his front and moves his head to face me. I stay still and hold my breath as his eyes scrunch together.

"Haz?" He asks and his eyes squint open before closing them again. His voice is deep and had a little bit of a crack to it.

"I'm going to the shower." I tell him quietly and shift back to move out of the bed.

"No." He whines and reaches for my arm that was closest to him.

"I'm dirty." I tell him, my stomach still feels tight but it's hardly noticeable to the eye. I'd still like to wash it off obviously though.

"Yeah, you are." He smirks but keeps his eyes closed.

I roll my eyes and pull my arm from his hand.

I walk around the hotel room that's becoming homier with the mess of clothes on the floor, and I get my bag and pull it up to the foot of the bed that's become Louis' and mine.

"What time is it?" He asks and rolls over onto his back as he rubs the bottom of his palms over his eyes.

I look over to the clock on the bedside table, "Ten to nine." I tell him and he groans but sits up, the blankets falling down to his thighs.

He scratches over the small rolls on his stomach and runs his hand through his hair.

I grab my jeans from the floor and a shirt and boxers from my bag and I head into the bathroom.

I don't bother shutting the door and I turn on the shower.

As I'm about to take off my sweatpants I'm reminded of last night all over again.

Louis laying pressed right up to my side. His hand moving slow over my cock until I was close and he pushed me into my orgasm. His lips on my neck the entire way.

Oh my fucking god.

"Louis!" I shout and I was about to storm out into the room but Louis was already walking into the bathroom with one hand rubbing his eye and his other eye closed, being dressed in only his boxers.

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