Chapter 64

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We sat there for a while, I didn't know what to say; or if anything should be said at all.

"I love you." He finally says with a smile.

Heat rises to my cheeks as I try to fight back a smile.

"Come cuddle." He pouts as he holds his arms open for me.

"You've been puking all night," I laugh, "Not a chance."

"What, You don't want my cuddles? How about a kiss then?" Louis asks and sits up to pucker his lips at me with obnoxious noises.

"You're so gross." I say and shake my head.

"You're so gross." He mocks and sits up further to lean towards me.

He immediately falls back down to the bed with a groan, "Moved too fast." He moans.

"You did drink a bottle of whiskey." I tell him with a shrug of my shoulders.

"It wasn't full!" He argues.

"Alright." I nod sarcastically, "Well why don't you hop in the shower and I'll change the sheets. I think you might be laying in vomit." My nose crinkles in disgust but I try to hide it for Louis.

"Help me?" He asks with a small voice that I know he only uses to manipulate me. It works.

I roll my eyes but walk around the bed to help him up.

"Could you at least throw boxers on before I help you up?" I ask just before he throws the blankets off himself.

"Nope." He chimes.

Typical Louis. Does the exact opposite of what was asked.

He doesn't bother covering himself and he makes his way to the bathroom free of my help; apart from first getting out of the bed.

I was about to lead him towards the bathroom in the hall, but he makes his way to the ensuite in his room.

So I follow him and it brings back memories of the last time we were in here.

Right before we went back to my home.

I glance over to the tub with fond memories of Louis taking care of me. Now I guess it's my turn.

Louis manages the shower without a problem and I watch for a moment as he stands there under the water's pulse. He rubs his face with some water before turning around, now facing me.

"I'll go and change the sheets." I tell him and leave to head towards the bedroom.

A stain confirms my suspicions about Louis lying in puke.

"Gross." I mumble and begin to strip the bed.

Just as I'm getting ready to take all sheets to the washer I hear a loud thud coming from the bathroom.

"Louis?" I call.

No answer.

I drop the sheets in my arms and I rush to the bathroom to find Louis on the shower floor.

He's holding his head but he has a big smile on his face. Not like I care after what I just heard.

"Louis? What happened?" I ask and kneel down beside him.

I move his hand away from the back of his head and replace it with mine. I feel for any blood or bumps and find nothing.

"I just turned around and got dizzy a bit." He laughs.

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