Chapter 25

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Last chapter I was saying thank you for 100k reads. Now I'm thanking you for 152k reads. Holy crap, you guys are amazing.

All of you who comment and vote (or even you ghost readers out there) I love you!!<3

Harry's POV

Niall and I were situated in the living room, with a bag of Doritos on the coffee table, as we watched some movie Louis had. I sat on the sofa, on the opposite end of Niall, he was laying down with his legs thrown over mine. I didn't bother moving them, or asking him to, because it wasn't uncomfortable for me.

"What do you and Liam and do? And Zayn?" I ask when the movie had become too boring.

"What do you mean?" Niall turns his neck so he's looking across at me, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"Like, all Louis and I do is video games, or watch movies. There's nothing to do."

He thought for a moment, "Well, without getting into too much details Liam likes to train me. He keeps saying I have a pain kink, but I really don't think I do." He shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders, "But I mean, maybe I do."

My fingers thrum over his calf, I hum in acknowledgment of his statement, not truly knowing what to say.

"Like," Niall's tone raises slightly in irritation, he's about to vent. "I don't like when he punishes me, but I like knowing that it's him doing it. I would absolutely hate being punished by anyone but him. Liam just, I don't know mate, I don't know."

A small piece of me is kind of happy for Niall's confusion; it proves I'm not alone.

"Well, maybe you've got a sort of thing for Liam. That just whatever he does turns you on. Is that even possible? I don't know what I'm talking about." I shake my head and turn back to the TV, smacking myself in the head for even saying such a thing. Here I am trying to have guy talk with a homosexual. Not my area of expertise obviously.

"It is possible." Louis' voice says from where he was leant against the doorframe, his grey sweat pants look to be oversized. I don't bother asking how long he has been standing there, knowing full and well it must've been long enough.

Louis walks forward and Niall sits up, letting Louis take a seat on the end of the couch. Niall fell back, his head resting comfortably on Louis' thighs.

"Wow," Louis laughed lightly, "Li wasn't kidding when he said you were a cuddler." His fingers combed through Niall's hair as if they were together.

"Well Liam doesn't lie." Niall chuckles.

There was a beat of silence before Louis speaks again, "Y'know Niall, there is this thing, I don't think Liam's associated it with you yet, maybe it's just a perspective from the outside. I don't have to tell you Niall if you don't want to hear it."

Niall shook his head lightly, "No go ahead, I kind of need answers."

My fingernails begin tugging the fuzz balls off of Niall's socks as they spoke. I listened intently, with no actual intent to join their conversation.

"So you said you only like pain when it's being administered by Liam?" Louis questioned, his fingers still running through the dyed blonde hair.

"Yeah. I don't like pain, but I clearly don't mind it when it's Liam." There was an airy tone to his words, like he didn't quite believe what was being said.

"And what about when he scolds you?" Louis continued his small interrogation.

Niall pauses for a moment, no doubt thinking about his answer, "I'd imagine it's the same as anyone; I don't like it. But sometimes he goes softer on me, like he's just trying to explain my wrong doing."

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