Chapter 13

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A little time jump? Sorry it's going back to when Liam took Zayn and Niall home. I think you guys are ready for some action because we ain't getting it from Harry for a while;)


Narrators POV

Niall and Zayn were awaiting the presence of their Master outside of Louis' house. Zayn stood perfectly still, knowing the fidgeting wouldn't help the matter. Niall on the other hand couldn't seem to calm down long enough to remember that it was one of Liam's rules, not to overly fidget. But the blonde couldn't help his actions for crying out loud. He was on the verge of a panic attack because he knew he was going to get it. Cursing is of course the reason Niall is here in the first place, it's what the school is aiming to correct. What Liam is aiming to correct. Niall will be getting his first taste of punishment today and he's scared of what it might be. He no longer has Harry to hold him at night or vice versa. He doesn't know if Liam will be comforting to him at all, and it's just wrong to assume Zayn will do anything to comfort him. Zayn is here working out his own problems too, there's no way he'd be interested in aiding Niall. Truth be told Niall doesn't know what Zayn is here for, all he knows is that the boy is very submissive to Liam, basically hanging off every order and favour Liam has. Last night they met for the first time, and when Niall tried to strike up a conversation Zayn had remained voiceless until Liam gave them permission to speak to one another any time they please. Even then Zayn barely said a word to Niall.

By the time Liam had said his goodbye to his best friend he already knew how he was going to deal with the situation. He walked down the driveway, expressionless, until he reached his two submissives. Once in the presence of his Master Zayn cast his glance downward. "Let's go." Were the only words needed to be said.

Liam led the boys across the street and into their house. As they were removing their shoes Liam spoke, "Pup I want you downstairs in the playroom. Remove everything but your underwear. Go." Zayn scurried down the stairs at the order and then Liam turned his attention to Niall.

"You. Upstairs to my room. Kneel at the foot of the bed. And if I go upstairs and you dare have one shred of clothing on, your punishments will be ten times worse. Go now." Niall's heart skipped a beat, and not in the I'm-so-in-love sort of way, no his heart skipped a beat in the holy-fuck-what-have-I-done kinda way. Yet he followed his Masters orders and went up the stairs to the end of the hall. The Master bedroom was nothing too extravagant. A large bed in the middle of the wall to the left, dark grey curtains to frame the dark red walls nicely. It was all put together nicely, most would automatically assume it was a woman who chose the scheme. Truth be told it was Louis; he actually designed most of the rooms in both houses, giving extra attention to the playrooms in each house of course.

Once Niall turned the knob of the bedroom door and walked in he immediately removed his shirt. He didn't know how long Liam was going to take and didn't want to chance him coming up early to find Niall still in his clothing. Once his clothes were removed off his body he folded them neatly and put them on the floor beside Liam's dresser. Liam's bedroom and the playroom run on a different air conditioning system than the rest of the house. The reason being those rooms need to be warmer for when there are no clothes being worn and the tad bit of warmth can provide a sense of comfort.

Downstairs in the playroom Zayn was awaiting his Master in the position he'd perfected. Knees spread at the perfect distance, his back straight, his head bowed, and his hands locked within each other behind his back. Liam walked down the stairs after giving Zayn a moment to get himself organized.

"You did so good today pup." Liam cooed moving to the centre of the room where his boy was knelt so beautifully. "So good. You can choose what you want tonight." Liam stood to the left of his sub, he ran a hand through the thick, dark hair that was groomed into a quiff. Zayn's head nuzzled a little up into Liam's hand, Zayn held back a groan when Liam gave a small tug to his handful of the locks. It was a subtle reminder that he was not to move, normally Liam wouldn't mind that he was showcasing his enjoyment the affection but with his mind stressed from the mishaps of earlier, old habits must've returned.

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