Chapter 69

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Me the whole time writing this ^-^ <3

Author note at the end <3



The pure anxiety in Gemma's voice was something that had my heart pumping immediately

"What happened?" I ask, hoping for the short version if it's urgent.

"I need you to come pick me up. I'm at the station."

I squint my eyes and Louis rests his hand on my thigh, confusion written on his tired face.

"You're at the station? Like... here?"

"Yes, do I need to say it slower? Shit, sorry, please. I just need some time to think. I'm sorry for showing up like this."

I give my head a small shake to clear my thoughts as I recognize she's not in a state of extreme danger. Leave it to my sister to disrupt a peaceful evening with her dramas.

"Um," I look to Louis, "We'll be there as soon as possible."

The line ends and I put my phone down, "It was Gemma." I explain, "She's at the train station."

He stretches out his back before standing up, "Well, lets go get her." He says and then takes a look at his phone to read the time of almost midnight.

I stand up and give him a a soft kiss, the things this man would do for me.

He reaches up and gently traces his fingers along my jaw, "I love when you shave."

I look down shyly with a smile, "What about my beard?"

He kisses me again, "What beard?" And then he quickly turns around to get ready to leave.

I follow him to the front hall and playfully smack his ass, "You're going to pay for that." I tease, shuffling on my own coat.

"Uh uh, you're going to pay for that." He moves to stand in front of me, and takes a hold of my wrists, "Wait until these guys are reacquainted with my handcuffs."

My lips part as I feel my breath stutter, my hands are limp in his hold and I wonder if he felt my pulse quicken.

"That's what I thought." He smirks, "Now c'mon, we don't have all night. I'm ready for bed."


We are just about to approach the train station when Louis reaches over to my thigh, "So, what's the plan? No affection? We're friends?"

"Oh um," I look back and forth between him and the road, "I didn't think about that."

"I don't mind just being your roommate Haz, you tell your family when you're ready." Louis soothes, with one of his infamous smiles that makes me feel like everything will be okay.

"We'll, maybe let's just not tell her much. She seems to not be in the mood for stories anyways. I hope she just wants to go to bed."

Louis nods in a affirmation, and we continue the rest of the drive in silence.

The town is asleep for the night, only a few stragglers walking about in the streets.

As we approach the station  I realize how small it is. I guess we really are in a small town. The roads are well lit going up to the main entrance,  and underneath a large overhang is where we find Gemma, standing with a backpack over her shoulder. I watch as I see her squint when we approach then a big smile graces her face at the realization it's us.

Louis pulls to a stop and I get out to greet my sister with a hug.

"All good?" I ask shortly as she sighs into the hug. We've never been a very affectionate family, or at least not where I'm involved. But at this point in time I can tell my sister needs a hug. And so that's why I embrace the moment and make sure she pulls away when she's ready.

"Better." She pulls back and gives me a smile that would pass in front of anyone else. But I know she's putting on a brave face.

I take her bags and put them in the trunk as she goes to the side and opens the back passenger door.

"Thanks, Harry. And Louis." She says, when I get back into the Jeep myself.

Louis tells her it's not a problem, and he starts on his way back.

I feel anxious to know why Gemma is here, but I know she'll  tell me on her own time. Hopefully.

"You live... here?" Gemma gasps as Louis pulls into the driveway. Louis continues his polite smile and gives an amused laugh.

"This is home." Louis says as he glances over to me, smiling tiredly.

"Sorry if there's not much of proper hosting tonight, but I'll show you to the guest room you can use." Louis takes Gemma inside as I grab her bag and follow behind.

"It's a bit of a mess, sorry, we just had my party here yesterday." Louis explains and takes my sister's coat to put on a hanger in our closet.

"Stop apologizing, I feel awful to be an intrusion." She smiles, matching the niceties, "This is cleaner than I ever thought Harry's place would be."

She turns to make sure I heard her and I only roll my eyes to show it.

"I'm going to put you in the guest room with the lumpy mattress." I grumble and make my way up the stairs.

I hear Louis behind me explaining there is no such room and she can pick either guest room. He's really too nice. I shrug her backpack off my shoulder and leave it in the hall between the two rooms, "I'm going to bed." I shout down the stairs, "Call me if you need anything Gems."

I make my way to the end of the hallway and close the door behind me. Louis will join me eventually.

In the meantime, I'm fucking tired.

I get undressed, not bothering to properly put them away, and I crawl into bed pulling the covers up around me.

So much more comfortable than the couch.

Louis' birthday is in two days. Well... tomorrow if you account for the fact it's past midnight already.

I don't want to be hosting someone. Even if it is my sister. I want to get drunk. And dance. And drink some more. I want Louis to be so happy and so in love that the light in his eyes is bright enough even in the darkness of the club. Fuck sakes I just want him to myself for his birthday. Is that too much to ask?

The bedroom is dark, and cool, and I'm exhausted. Well, now I'm stressed and exhausted; which is an even better combination for sleep.

By the time Louis comes to bed, I feel myself drifting closer and closer to sleep.

"I can tell your sister is trying to downplay her problems." Louis says softly, climbing into bed beside me.

I look up to him, a clear expression of concern on his face.

Closing my eyes again I feel him shuffle closer under the blankets, "She'll talk when she's ready."

"Kind of like someone I know." Louis teases and I open my eyes briefly to find his look of satisfaction.

I roll over, not giving him any more room to tease.

But this now just provided an invitation apparently. One where he can come behind me and wrap his arm around my waist.

If I wasn't so fucking comfortable I may have given it more thought. But honestly, feeling his warm breaths tickle the back of my neck as he too falls asleep, there is nothing that could possibly make me more relaxed than I am.


I know this is a short chapter, but it ended naturally, and I thought I would give you guys this!

I'm already working on the next chapter wowowowow

I have missed this so much... so I've reread a bunch and I feel like you can tell when I was struggling to write vs when I was enjoying it.

Anyways, my plan is to finish this story off, and then release a full edited version for you guys to hopefully enjoy better! I've been reading all your feedback (whether I should or shouldn't idk)

Love you guys always!!!

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