Chapter 47

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Video on the side... Hm... I love death(: and dying(: and being dead(:

And shoutout to shelbeast because I feel like she's my bodyguard, and she responds to comments faster than I do sometimes and explains certain things. I love her<3


Harry's POV

Louis handled this run in with Greg a lot better than the last. Maybe because the last time was the first he had seen of Greg since everything went down. Maybe it was because Louis felt safe when I was protecting him. I like that though. It didn't feel much like I was protecting him... I just didn't want him to have to face Greg.

I can still feel the way his hands were fidgeting in my hand. And the way he leaned right into me. It kept me grounded in a weird sort of way. When he accused Louis of being the reason behind my attitude and personality, I wanted to just rip myself from Louis and beat Greg to make sure he gets the point of never coming near us again.

I can't imagine what Louis dealt with for that year he spent with Greg. Greg is manipulative, I could see it right away. He pretended to be wanting to just work together, and then he turned vicious. But not in the regular way. He's condescending, makes you feel smaller than him. And not just in the literal sense. He twists your words and actions and makes them to work in his favour.

Today was the day Liam was released from the hospital. Louis and I helped him into his parents car and they were taking him back to his house. They tried getting him to go back to their house, but Liam insisted he just wanted his own bed. Niall drove with us back to the house and we all helped Liam get situated into his bedroom. Getting him up the stairs took a lot of groans. Liam was strong though, with me carrying the majority of his weight and Louis carrying the rest, I can't imagine it was painless.

Niall needed to be given the job of getting the bed ready so he wouldn't be seeing Liam how he was.

His dad, who I've come to know is named Geoff, followed behind us up the stairs with Liam's wheelchair. He scooted around us to get it setup at the top of the stairs.

Liam sat down with a groan and clenched eyes.

"Tommo I thought you had more muscles than that. Poor Harry over there had to basically carry me." Liam said with a tone of amusement.

"I could've let you fall." Louis retorts and pushes the wheelchair down the hall to the bed where Niall is still nervously flitting around. Fixing the curtains, and then walking over to the bed to fix that too when he notices us get in the room.

Liam smiles brightly when he sees Niall, "Thank you, baby."

Louis pushes Liam to the side of the bed, and I follow to help him move Liam to the bed.

"Your welcome, dada." I hear Niall mutter quietly.

I'm sure Liam's parents know the relationship between them, but Niall is still a shy person and it isn't really considered normal to call your boyfriend "daddy" or "dada".

Louis and I help get Liam into the bed. We get two pillows for underneath his leg and we make sure the blankets are there if he wants them.

"I hope you like your room. You're not going to be seeing much else." Louis jokes and I cringe. Come on. Not the time.

Liam gives a small sad smile, probably realizing the hard truth of that.

I smack Louis in the stomach and he doubled over and groans.

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