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Hey guys!! I didn't know you had to do something on Twitter for the wattys¿

So for all you people who have second accounts where no one knows you, or if you're cool with tweeting this on a personal, it'd be greatly appreciated if you could tweet a link to my story including the hashtag #MyWattysChoice and including the title Boys Divisional School of

-Boys Divisional School of Manners
-and a link that you'll have to safari because links don't copy and paste on wattpad/:

Every tweet and retweet counts!! Voting ends on August 31!

And retweet as many as you can! I'll be retweeting all that are tagged!! Thanks guys so much

The hashtag is important to remember!

This would mean so much to me if you could do this<3

My Twitter is @Boybands77Amy you can tag me in your tweets if you want, I'll be sure to follow you and stuff(:

I am forever grateful for what you guys have made of this story, and no matter what I'm proud to have people amazing as you reading my story<3 I love you all so much, I wish I could hug every one of you guys.

Boys Divisional School of MannersWhere stories live. Discover now