Chapter 49

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K so the power's out in my house... We didn't pay the bill on time so we have no power until Monday.

Meaning, no charging my phone. Also means no fridge or heating (I'm from Canada let me just tell you)

I was going to write the wedding as well in this chapter, but I didn't want you guys to have to wait until Monday or Tuesday. So here's this(: and bare with me!!

***** and if you see that image above you might already be excited about this chapter*****


Harry's POV

Louis and his mum avoided eye contact at all costs, it was awkward for me when she would talk to me but I was right beside Louis.

Lunch was nice, they're a loud family. Very talkative. I felt kind of left out, but it was good to see Louis getting so involved. He loves his grandparents, that much I can see. And the love for his siblings as well.

I don't think him and his mum have a bad relationship, they just don't want to talk in the awkwardness.

Louis suggested the idea of hot chocolate and a movie when it started to rain. It wasn't heavy rain, just really windy out.

I helped to set up blankets in front of the TV with Louis, Lottie, and Fizzy; that's right, I got their names.

The older adults opted to stay in the kitchen and talk while we were in the family room.

Louis' Aunt Bren has three kids that are younger than Daisy and Phoebe so I'm not quite sure how they'll be through the movie.

"Nope. No couches! Only blankets." I look down to see Phoebe standing with her hands on her hips staring up at me.

I look just past her to see Louis covering his mouth with his hand to hide his laugh.

"But I'm an adult. I can sit on a couch if I want." I raise my eyebrows but try to hide my own smile at how they've so easily grown comfortable with me. Phoebe and Daisy did anyway.

"Nope." She takes my hand and tugs me down to a spot on the blankets.

She puts me on the end of the blankets, taking a seat beside me.

Jay and Dan come in with mugs of hot chocolate in their hands and start handing some out. I thank Dan for my cup and hand one to Phoebe.

There's chocolate milk in cups for the younger ones and they lay on their stomachs to watch the TV.

With my back against the couch, I raise my right arm to rest on it and bend my elbow so my head can rest in my palm. I bend my left knee too to keep myself more comfortable and Daisy soon joins us to settle in beside her sister.

One of Louis' cousins is sitting just beside Daisy, and then there's Louis. I catch his smile over the heads of his family and I return the smile. This isn't as stressful or as intimidating as I thought.

The movie starts playing and I'm glad we decided on Ghostbusters. You really can't go wrong.

Half way through the movie, the windows stopped shining sunlight in the room, so it was fairly dark with just the TV on. We had it turned up pretty loud to mask the sound of the rain.

I extend my right arm down to rub on Louis' shoulder. I keep my eyes on the TV even when I see his head turn to face me. My thumb begins rubbing against his muscles and I start to continue that down the top of his back.

When I move my hand over to his other side to do the same, I slowly reach my fingertips up to his skin and rub over the fading hickey on his collarbone. He wore a good shirt today, with a higher neckline than he normally does. Not on accident obviously.

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