Chapter 18

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Harry's POV

The weekend. Ah the weekend. Supposed to be a relaxing time to fuck around and do piss all but no, not around Louis.

The guy is like a hyperactive, can't sit around for five minutes, always has to have a plan on what's gonna happen, type of guy. On Sunday he decided to take me with him while he went grocery shopping, said he didn't want me to be all alone because he doesn't know how long he'd be. Well fuck, that ended up being two hours gone, spent deciding the meals for the week while selecting the right food to go with it.

Honestly I think I've spent more time than I had ever wanted to in that house. There was no going to hang out with Niall, in fact I hadn't seen him since we were ushered out of Liam's place. I wonder if he's alright. I've tried texting him and calling him but there was never an answer.

So you can imagine how happy I was to see Niall on Monday morning, a fucking sight for sore eyes.

We all got in the jeep for the short ride to school and Niall was telling me about a Derby game he saw on TV the other night. I nodded my head and smiled along throughout his story of their amazing comeback.

When we arrived in the parking lot Liam took hold of Niall's hand and I immediately knew it was his way of telling me to back the fuck off. Only because I was talking to him and now Liam thinks I want to get in his pants or something. I rolled my eyes because of course Niall didn't argue with Liam, he wouldn't.

Zayn held open the doors of the building as we all filed in and began the walk to Hale's class.

"Be good for me okay?" Liam turns Niall around so they're facing each other. "No swearing." And I promise I caught his glance up at me.

"Yes Master. Of course." Niall easily answered.

"Good boy, have a good day. I'll see you next period." And Liam pressed his lips to Niall's forehead and then he latched his hand onto Zayn's hand.


Liam, Zayn, and Louis walked down the corridor and I saw them reach the end before they took a left to go up the stairs.

"How was your weekend?" Niall asks as he pulled open the door to our class. I walk in and only a few people are in the class, Hale excluded.

"Shit. How was yours?"

He chuckled lightly at my one word answer to sum up the entirety of a weekend.

"It was good. Liam took me to a really fancy restaurant. Had to dress up and everything."

"You're into that stuff?" I raised an eyebrow at the idea of seeing Niall in dress clothes while being served food that was unpronounceable, overly priced, and not even a full serving.

He shrugged, "I don't know. I mean, it was part of Liam's apology so it was really nice. I also found out that Liam's parents are sort of legends. I don't know how but apparently they're pretty famous in this community. Owns a shop of their own in central London."

"What kind of shop?" I immediately regret my question once I see the hinting look on Niall's face.

"That'll be nice for you." I offer him.

"Yeah, he's been telling me how he's excited to try this new machine that's just come out and he gets it for free from his parents. He also said that between him and Louis it's like an exchange, Louis bought Liam's house and didn't want to take any of Liam's money so instead he pays Louis in new equipment." Niall beams at the mere mention of Liam.

Niall sits down cross-legged on the carpet as we wait for more people to file in the classroom. I take a seat beside him as he continues to rave about all the perks Liam's told him about. He goes on and on about how excited he is about trying a mild-restraining device Liam has told him will be safe and it's different from the ropes. Yeah, right. Restraining is restraining, there's no way around it.

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