Chapter 21

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We hit 77k reads!! That's my lucky number yaaayyy!!!

Shoutout to @playstationiam because she was skyping me while I was writing!!:)

Plus she's my baby<33


Harry's POV

The drive back was a lot longer than I remember being out for. I kept Louis' song on repeat, a reminder to myself not to turn back.

Numerous times I have to rub my hands across my thighs to rid of the growing sweat. I keep fidgeting in my chair, unable to hold a position for long.

The destination of Louis' house was finally in my vision and my heart thudded. I turned the vehicle carefully up the driveway, the headlights illuminating the white garage door. I cut the engine and I'm left in darkness, and silence.

I had my chance to run, but all I did was run right back here.

I clicked open the door and stepped out, the keys shoved in my pocket. My stuff can wait in the back for now.

I hope Louis still wants me here; did he ever want me here? Fuck Harry, of course he does.

I just hope for the sack of everything that's good, that Liam has gone back to his house. I turn quickly to take a quick look at Liam's house, all the lights are off, it looks pretty peaceful.

I force myself to take the steps leading up to the door, I lean on the handle lightly and the door opens, surprisingly.

The hallway lights are off but I can se the kitchen has one or two lights on.

"Liam I'm fine! Just had to grab something to drink!" I hear Louis shout from the kitchen.

I don't say anything but I walk the hall until I reach the kitchen. My eyes lock on Louis' and his eyes widen, they're red and swollen, and the whites of his eyes look bloodshot.

"What are you doing here?" He asked curiously, no venom whatsoever in his voice. He looked to be mixing some type of bright yellow juice, stirring in the sugar I bet, from where I can see the bag of it beside him.

"Lemonade at two in the morning?" I avoid his question, hanging up the keys where they go.

He shrugs his shoulders and looks down to where he was holding the juice container. "Why not, I guess."

I lean against the doorframe of the kitchen and watch him finish mixing. He pours himself a glass, offers me one which I decline, then he takes a seat at the kitchen table.

"Are you gonna have a seat? Or are you waiting for a formal invitation?" He didn't raise his eyes from the cup in his hands.

I pull out the chair opposite him and sit down. "How did you know I was going to leave?"

He shrugged, "I would've. Your plan was quite good; pretend to be giving in, then leave."

"So why was Liam here?"

"I asked him to go fill up on gas so you wouldn't have to. I didn't want to leave in case I got home and you were gone off, walking somewhere. Or called a cab or something. Then when he got back I guess he just never left. Until he got a call from Niall, then he offered me to go stay at his for the night. But I wanted to stay here."

Louis is being awfully open with this. Any of the reactions I'd assumed he would've had when I got back was blown to bits. I expected him to lash out, hug me, be worrisome, ignore me. I didn't expect him to be so calm, and honest at that.

"So what made you come back?" It was now Louis' turn to ask questions.

Do I tell him the truth? It was your fucking song that made me turn around. It was your voice fucking telling me that you'll look after me. It was you.

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