Chapter 17

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I love you don't abandon me!! D:

Niall's POV

A crinkle of my nose or a twitch in my lip, whatever the cause I am awoken to a mouthful of curly hair.

"Get your. Fucking curls. Out of my face." I try to laugh but it's muffled through the familiar locks of Harry.

The moment he hears my words he lifts his head off my chest and looks at me with his mouth hanging open in shock.

"Niall?" His face is flooded with worry and panic as I bet he didn't think I'd be awake.

"Jeez I was havin a nice nap and then all of a sudden I'm awoken to the God awful smell of your hair." I smiled, trying to joke around. My mother always told me I had the instinct to break a room full of tension, and even though I didn't know what exactly this tensioned filled room was about, I had to at least try and take a stab at deflating it.

Harry's face however held nothing but confusion. To what? That's a good question.

"What's the matter mate? I was only teasin', your hair isn't that bad."

"How are you feeling?" Louis interjects from across the room when Harry remained voiceless.

How am I feeling? How am I feeling?

"My throats a little sore," the images of being downstairs laying in a puddle of my own vomit flashes through my vision.

"I can imagine." Louis mumbles as he walks closer. Harry still hasn't moved from where he was knelt beside me. I would ask him to come and hold me, something that'd be familiar to the both of us, but I realized this blanket is the only thing keeping my bits private from the eyes of everyone else.

Liam then comes into the room with a stack of clothes sandwiched in his hands. I watch as he scans the room quickly then lands his gaze on me, his mouth drops as he sees I'm awake.

Louis politely takes a step back, giving Liam the spot of the end of the couch.

"Ni," he sighs, placing one of his hands on my exposed ankles.

"Hey," I smile up at him, a smile which he reciprocates.

"I uh, I brought some of your comfy clothes. I didn't know what you liked so I just got what I thought was best. I can help you get dressed if you'd like, you shouldn't be by yourself at all s-"

"That's rich coming from you," Harry laughs bewilderedly.

"Harry." I spoke warningly, now is not the time or place for them to be arguing. I'm fine now. It shouldn't even be a concern.

"What?" By now Harry's voice is laced with annoyance and there's no way he's going to remain calm for much longer.

Louis decides to speak up, "Harry let's give these two a moment alone."

"So Niall can throw up again? Yeah that'd be great wouldn't it."

"Harry I'm fine. Would you stop being rude for once in your life." His constant grudge with people will drive me insane I'm calling it now.

Harry reluctantly stood up and mumbled something under his breath that I didn't understand, and I doubt anyone else did either. He lead Louis and Zayn out of the living room and Louis called they'd be in the kitchen.

Liam moved closer to where I was laying, he almost took Harry's spot except Liam sat on the edge of the coffee table instead of knelt beside me.

It was quiet as he set the clothes down beside him and he turned to face me, his elbows leaning on his knees, "How are you feeling Ni?"

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