Chapter 51

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Long wait, I know I'm sorry! There's been so much and honestly in this last week I haven't gone to sleep earlier than 3am from studying and homework. Friday night I was asleep by eight and I woke up on Saturday at one in the afternoon!

Thank you for sticking with me<3 and thanks for all the love and support<3 I love you all so much


"Please don't be shy to come around more often. We miss you so much." Jay says as she wraps her arms around Louis.

"I know, mum. We've just been busy. And Christmas is coming soon." Louis explains.

The entire family is gathered in the foyer to say goodbye.

Yesterday was spent cleaning up and just overall relaxing. Louis and I didn't talk much, I think we were avoiding things from the previous night.

I'm not quite sure how we'll manage the three hour car ride back home.

"Harry, it was so nice to meet you. Thank you for coming." Jay says as she shuffles her way over to hug me.

Louis goes to each of his siblings, hugging and kissing them goodbye.

"Mum, congratulations again. Give me a call as soon as you've got the Christmas party planned." Louis smiles back to his mum.

I grab his bag and mine and I say goodbye to his family with a smile and a wave.

Louis opens the door and I follow him down the steps and out to his jeep.

As Louis is pulling the car out I see his whole family out on the porch waving to us.

Louis sticks his hand out the window and waves to them as we start heading up the driveway.

"Jeez, I'm going to miss them." Louis sighs, shaking his head as he turns onto the main road.

"You've got a nice family." I say. Is my voice awkward? I sound awkward. Jesus Christ I'm so awkward.

He chuckles, "I like what they've done with your hair. I'm glad you kept it in."

My hand reaches up to the French braid on my right side as Louis mentions it.
The girls were sat in the living room, Lottie doing everyone's hair into braids. It was a nice way to pass the time I guess, Louis sat beside Lottie and they chatted while I just sat on the chair, staying quiet.

"Harry, your hair is long enough for some." Phoebe says from where she's cross legged on the floor playing with her build-a-bear.

"I don't think so." I say softly with a smile.

"Please!" Both Daisy and Phoebe whine.

"Yeah, come on, Haz." Louis grins.

The first time he's directed saying anything to me since waking up this morning.

"No, I really don't think so." My hand runs through my hair, just thinking about it being in braids make me uneasy.

"Aw, Haz, you don't want to disappoint the girls, do you?"

Fuck him.

"It's a mess though. And if it hurts I swear to god I'm taking it out." I mutter.

Lottie laughs, "Okay. So sit right here." She points to the spot on the floor between her feet.

I hold back a groan as I get up and take my seat cross legged.

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