Zustin Special

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This is the Zustin chapter/special/thing. Not as short & sweet like I promised XD Well, in the meaning of short, I think it's pretty sweet.


Zayn's POV

Driving down the familiar roads and subdivisions on our way to Mr. Reid's place brings back memories. Bad memories. Ones of me being held by Mr. Turner in the back seat of their car as Mr. Reid drove up to their house. Ones where I wouldn't let go of Mr. Turner's arm at any given time. I considered Justin's offer because I was looking out for myself and my needs, but I accepted his offer because I knew I could trust Mr. Reid's judgment.

Justin wasn't bad company for the drive either, he didn't ask questions I knew he must've been dying to know. Especially after Mr. Reid made his comment about me already knowing the place. I saw the way Justin's brow quirked, my cheeks went hot because I expected him to blurt out something, I barely know him, but I know he's nosy.

Justin pulled up to the house and sighed happily, "Well, I would give you a grand tour of the place. But judging from what Uncle Danny said, you already know the place." He looked over to me with a grin as he pulled the car to a stop.

"You, uh, you can still show me around. I think I've forgotten some of the layout." It's not entirely a lie. I didn't really see much of anything bedside the main rooms and my guest room, so I still didn't know the entire layout of the house.

"What bullshit." Justin laughs, "No need to be polite like that. It's cool, I've got a craving for a chicken sandwich. C'mon then."

Justin wastes no time in getting out of the car and grabbing my bags from the back seat. I hopped out and walked around to his side, expecting him to hand me my bags to carry. I had my hands out and everything, but he just brushed past me.

"Do you want me to take the bags? They are mine?" Maybe this was some sort of test to see how good I actually was.

"No it's okay." He says over his shoulder, as I try to keep pace behind him. "Your bags are light."

I didn't say anything more as he pulled out his lanyard from the back of his loose leather pants. The pants scrunched in various places and I had to admit, out of all the leather I've seen, he pulls it off the best. The door clicks open and he pushes past into the living room that's directly to the right. I know that it's a short cut to get to the kitchen as the room opens on the other side and leads right into the kitchen.

He set my bags on one of the couches as he passes and he walks straight through to the fridge where he pulls out a container of chicken and turns to put it on the counter before he turns back around to grab a plate.

"Want any?" He asks, his eyes flickering up from where I was stood in the doorway.

"No, thank you." I shake my head but step forward to sit at the bar stool beside the counter. I watch as he prepares his chicken sandwich and adds some ketchup to it then takes a bite. Half the sandwich in his hand as he leans down to set his elbows on the granite counter.

"So," I start, normally he'd have already laid put the ground rules, but I can't wait any longer, it's making me uncomfortable. "What, uh, what do you want me to call you? Sir? Master? Mister?" I list off the common ones.

Justin scrunches his face and he swallows the food in his mouth before speaking up, "None of that. Call me Justin. It's my name for a reason."

Addressing a dominant by their first name? Is that allowed at this school?

Justin probably senses my apprehensiveness as he sighs, "I want you to call me Justin." His eyebrow raises as if to ask if I was satisfied.

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