Chapter 44

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So wattpad says this had 5971 words and Word says I have 6194. I shall get to the bottom of this tomorrow *raises pointer finger*


Harry's POV

I only want you.

What am I supposed to make of those words? How am I supposed to react to something like that?

You know when you read about how someone's voice echoes inside your head? And you think it's utter bullshit? Something that only exists the scenes of a movie.

Well, I can vouch that it happens.

It's like I can hear the way Louis was breathing. The way his mouth and tongue formed each word. He was so close to me. Our heads were beside each other's as we stood with our bodies apart in the small shower.

Here he is, sleeping beside me, as if this never happened. As if he didn't just tell me those words.

I lay awake on my back staring up at the ceiling. Louis had wanted to leave the lamp on the far side of the room on, it was dull but it kept things at least visible. He said that if Niall was to need something in the middle of the night, that he didn't want another trip to the hospital.

The pizza came and we ate while watching a late night movie. Louis said he didn't mind paying the fee, but I thought it was outrageous. It ended up to be Pirates of the Caribbean. The second one. I never watched the movies in my life so I had to be explained somethings. Niall seemed to enjoy it though, I think it distracted him a lot from his dwindling adrenalin. His arm's gonna be a killer tomorrow.

I look to my right at the clock that rests on the table between the two beds, going on two in the morning. Fucking hell.

I push back the blankets and stand up out of the bed, I think I just need a drink or something.

"Haz? You okay?" I hear Louis' whisper.

I turn back to face the bed, Louis' poked his head up from where the thick blankets were pulled up to his neck. His voice seemed pretty clear for being just woken up. And he doesn't appear groggy at all.

"I'm fine. Just grabbing a drink. I thought you were asleep." I keep my voice quiet. I'm standing at the edge of the bed and I can hardly make out his face because he has his back to the lamp and his head is only slightly propped.

"No, couldn't sleep. I thought you were sleeping." He sits up more now, the blankets falling down his front to show his chest.

I chuckle, "It's two in the bloody morning."

He smiles and tilts his head over to one shoulder, "I know. Go get your water, then come back."

"Do you want anything?" I scratch the top of my thigh and pull down the leg of my briefs.

"I'm fine, Haz. But thank you." His voice is so soft right now. Not the normal loud voice I'm used to when we have conversations.

I nod my head and turn to the mini fridge that was stored in the no-door closet. We had some drinks brought to us with the pizza, so I pulled out a cold water and brought it back to the bed. Louis is still sitting up, so I prop a pillow up and sit down so I can pull the blankets over my legs too.

"I couldn't imagine being in a car crash. Liam and Niall are lucky they're making it out with minor injuries in the grand scheme of things." He shuffles a little closer to the point his leg is touching mine. His upper body is sort of curving over to me, but not so he's actually leaning on me.

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